News Articles Internet Articles (2016)
|—Nov. 25, 2017—On Sept. 17, 2017 as I posted the last letter (showing below) From the Mailbag someone sheared the sheep back to Dec. 14. 2015. Someone with the know-how brought their fake-truth sheep shears to visit me and sheared almost two years of comments from the mailbag. What they wiped out were the reader comments about the Clinton-Trump race, and what most people observed about then Secretary of State's graft grab-baq which was being shared, it appeared, with the former occupant of the White House who was subtley creating the Deep State two miles from the White House. As most of you know, I lost my wife on Sept. 30 of this year (2017) and really hadn't spent much time on this website. since March because after fighting one disease after another for 30 years, in March, 2017 cancer, diabetes, chronic pancreatitis, arterial and vein blockages were suddenly winning the war. She lost two toes through amputation, and it was downhill from there. She died from sepsis because, I think, she gave up fighting back. Had the Left let me alone, I likely would still be ignoring this website. But I refuse to surrender the reality of the most criminal politicians since the Credit Mobilier Scandal at the end of the Civil War when almost every politician—in both parties—became millionaires through government graft erasing the political history. The hucksters destroyed the Mailbag from 2006 until today. and replaced real news with fake news with the assistance of the social progressive political thugs who want to destroy this nation.. As the purveyors of fake news decided the only way they could rid themselves of real news was to simply erase it from the Internet and pretend it never happened. With respect to From the Mailbag, where I communicated with those interested in my views and seeing their comments before this audience,, the creators of fake news (more commonly know as the giant metropolitan leftwing-owned newspapers and magazines and mega TV and networks like global news portals like ABC, CBS, CNBC, MSNBC, and more. They easily overwhelm small websites like mine, so why erase the views not only of writers like me, but folks like you who enjoyed chatting From the Mailbag because not every news tidbit is a front page story. There is as much liberal dirt in the sanctuary cities, counties and States that is not being reported because its become so commonplace, everyhone assumes everyone knows it. Me? I just wonder why honest, hard working Americans spend even a penny of their money in the companies owned or financially supported by those grifters? Or why they watch movies starring anti-American enyertainers who hate their country but love the money they The money you spend with the billionaire fat cats use that money to buy the judges and politicians they need to either erase the Constitution and selectively, ignore them completely, or selectively enforce federal law which never applies to the rich. Why do you think Hillary and Bill Clinton are not in prison? Because Hillary knows when you are a leftwinger, and the entirre bureaucracy is controlled by the left, the crimes of trhe left are ignored or simply erased, Why? Because the left will need all of those unused prison cells to incarcerate their politial enemies on the right, Do you think all of the totalitarian counties in the world began with all of the conservatives in prison and the oligarchs were pastors in the churches, and the university instructors and professors actually taught your children the truth? |