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Fifty-two students at Grace Academy in Prosper, Texas spent a half-day on Friday, Dec. 20 hand-drawing special Christmas cards for wounded warriors at the VA Hospital in Dallas, Texas. The idea for the cards and the planned special visits to veterans who were recuperating from their wounds miles from home and family, came from Susan Chapman, a math teacher at Grace Academy. Chapman is wife of a military vet who donates her time to the American Legion and several other veterans organizations.

With the work done, Chapman called the VA Hospital in Dallas to arrange a visit on Monday, Dec. 23 only to discover there was a problem with the "controversial" material they wanted to share with the veterans. It was then she was told by a VA official that the cards would be nice providing they didn't say "Merry Christmas" or "God bless you," or contain any Bible scripture references construed to be racist as defined by the secularists who assumed for themselves the right to define what was, and what was not, theologically racist—based on how they wanted to shape society, not based on the laws of human behavior decreed by God.

Chapman's reaction to the VA Hospital's "Obama view" of acceptable theology was the same reaction from the mother of 4th grader Gracie Brown, a Grace Academy 4th grader and her older brother Luke, who participated in hand-crafting Christmas messages of love for those who gave so much of themselves for their country. When Gracie's mother, Andrea Brown, learned that the VA had denied the school the right to bring their "Merry Christmas and Thank You for Serving Your Country" messages to the wounded warriors in the Dallas veterans' hospital, she was outraged. "This wasn't," she said, "the country I grew up in—that you couldn't say Merry Christmas. We found out that not only could you not say Merry Christmas, you can't say 'God bless you' in a card and you can't reference any scripture." Chapman added to that, when asked by Fox News, that about all you can say is, "Get better" or "Get well soon."

Chapman told Fox News that "...it didn't occur to me there could be a problem with distributing Christmas cards." There shouldn't have been since the VA rule—which is now part of the VA Health Administration Handbook, violates the Constitution. The social progressive bureaucracy noted to Fox 4 TV in Dallas that the guidelines clearly state: "In order to be respectful of our veterans religious beliefs, all donated holiday cards are reviewed by a multidisciplinary team of staff led by chaplaincy services and determined if they are appropriate (non-religious) to freely distribute to patients. We regret the process was not fully explained to this group and apologize for any misunderstanding."

The 1st Amendment to Constitution of the United States of America, which the Liar-in-Chief of the Nation swore under Oath on the Holy Bible, obligates him to protect and defend the Bill of Rights—all of them! The 1st Amendment is the most interesting because it forbids the government of the United States from enacting any law or regulation by specifically denying the government—either federal or State (by the 14th Amendment—from making any "...laws respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." What does that mean exactly? It means that the United States government, and by amendment, the State governments have no authority to deny or abridge the rights of any citizen to pray, or hold prayer services anywhere in any town, city, county or State in the United States. Further, no city, county, State or federal legislature can create or enforce any law which hinders the right of any citizen to pray whenever and wherever they chose. In addition, the federal judiciary is constitutionally required to protect the verbiage of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as written by the Founding Fathers and ratified by each of the United States. The only constitutional way any of the verbiage within that document can be changed is through a Constitutional Amendment. Again, because an apathetic American people either failed to learn their rights, or didn't want to fight to preserve them, they ignored it when Congress used a legislative eraser to "amend" their religious freedom rights under the Constitution—a prerogative Congress knows it does not possess which is why they have chosen to nibble around the edges, eliminating our rights by baby bites.

You've heard federal judges quote the "separation of church and State?" Sounds constitutional, doesn't it? It isn't. Shortly after the presidential election in 1800 the Danbury, Massachusetts Baptist Ministers wrote a letter to Thomas Jefferson who had just thwarted Federalist John Adams attempt to win a second term. Their concern was Adams attempt to make Congregationalism the nation's religion. (A clear violation of the 1st Amendment.) Fearing that a tyrant like Adams might win office again and erase religious freedom in America, the Baptist ministers raised their concerns with Jefferson who would become the nation's third president in March, 1801. Taking pen in hand, Jefferson responded "Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church and State."

Wow. There it is. A wall of separation between Church and State. Was that an act of Congress? No. Did the States amend the Constitution? No. It was Jefferson's private, personal opinion. And, contrary to the views of secularists, private, personal correspondences of a not-quite-yet-president are not—I repeat, are not—codified law. Opinions aren't "law" in any way, shape or form—ever!. They are personal views. Nothing more, nothing less.

Even when those views are expressed by a sitting president, they cannot be construed as utterances of law. I realize that, today, the American people think the President has the right to "create law" by writing Executive Orders, Presidential Proclamations and Presidential Decision Directives. He does not. The Executive Branch does not have lawmaking power. Nor do the agencies in the Executive Branch possess the constitutional power to assess fines or incarcerate people for violating ordinances written by those agencies. Making law is the function of the Legislative Branch, and assessing penalties is the sole prerogative of the Judicial Branch. When Americans are not good tutors of liberty, freedom is easily lost. I guess that's the primary reason government-controlled public schools no longer teach American government, social studies and American History.The Executive Branch does not have lawmaking power. Nor do the agencies in the Executive Branch possess the constitutional power to assess fines or incarcerate people for violating ordinances written by those agencies. Making law is the function of the Legislative Branch, and assessing penalties is the sole prerogative of the Judicial Branch. When Americans are not good tutors of liberty freedom is easily lost. I guess that's the primary reason government-controlled public schools no longer teach American government, social studies and American History and why students in Ameriucan schools don't realize that the 1st Amendment bars the students from sending out Christmas Cards that glorify the birth of Jesus Christ—and obligate organizations like the Veterans' Administration to deliver those cards to military patients. A legal case could easily be made for preventing any government agency from promoting Islam as a benign caring religion, or the State of California from renting office space in the Fountain Valley Elemenary School to the Council on Islamic Education [CIE] where it began preparing Islamic text books solely to brainwash America's Christian children.

Fifty-two Chapel Academy students in Prosper, Texas who were raised to believe that Christian people commemorated the birth of Jesus Christ on Dec. 25, saw first hand how that constitutional eraser worked in the Veterans Administration. They saw, first hand, how social progressives abrogate the inherent rights of their serfs.. And, they saw how the serfs surrendered their rights without a fight, unlike their ancestors—the farmers, storekeepers, and mechanics—who fought and defeated the mightiest army of its day to build the greatest nation on Earth.

For the students, who crafted a work of love for the men and women they greatly admired who served their country and left body parts on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, the Islamofascist Obama Veterans Administration slapped their face.. Fourth grader Gracie Brown and her older brother Luke crafted their cards with the message "Merry Christmas. Thank you for your service." On the bottom of the left side of the card, was an American flag—just like the flag shoulder patch they've seen on some battlefield fatigues. Their glee over doing something special for special Americans was short-lived when their mother, Andrea Brown, learned that, to the administrators of the Veterans' Hospital in Dallas, the children's greeting card messages like "God bless you," "Jesus loves you," and "Merry Christmas" would not pass "social progressive muster." References to God, Jesus or even Christmas (which contained Christ) were viewed by the Obama Veteran's Administration as rabidly unacceptable since, it was the stated opinion of Obama that the United States was no longer a Christian nation.

The assault on Christianity was not initially launched by Muslim-lover Barack Obama who arrived on the national political scene in January, 2005 as the junior US Senator from Illinois, nor on Jan. 2009 when he moved to the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC. Obama's Justice Department is carrying the banner today, but the assault on Christianity was initiated by the American Bar Association in a mailing to its members in May, 1989. The ABA was promoting a seminar for "...[a]ttorneys who want to be on the leading edge of an explosive new area of law"—suing churches, high profile Christian leaders and Christian activists." The seminar was entitled: "Expanding the Use of Tort Law Against Religion."

The princes of industry who financed the efforts to create world government at the end of World War I were slow to grasp the reality that the nationalistic fervor that fueled patriotism is rooted in faith—Christian faith. Over the two decades between World Wars I and II it became clear to the utopians that American sovereignty could never be breached without corrupt judges and politicians using unconstitutional laws to erase Christianity not only from the underpinnings of the Constitution of the United States, but from the minds, hearts and souls of the American people as well. Until you successfully erase God from the minds of men you can't reshackle them the feudal system of the Old World Order. The Founding Fathers understood that more than anything else. It was the patriotism of the colonial soldier that buoyed him through a war America should have lost to a far superior, better armed, better trained, army. America won because their political patriotism was based on their faith in Jesus Christ. Faith in God Almighty and national patriotism made the United States the greatest nation on Earth since the Roman Empire which witnessed the birth of Christianity..

On May 24, 2005, in an article on my website entitled "Erasing Christianity," I noted that as long as the liberals can manipulate the Supreme Court, the attack against Christianity will continue in the United States until Christianity is successfully branded as an intolerable, racist religion and the American people, out of fear of being ostracized and condemned by an atheist society, will turn their backs on their Savior, Jesus Christ. When that happens, we will have reached the end of the book

Sadly, what's happening to God's creation is happening because we the People who were entrusted with this land by God, let it happen. Greed and fear of the princes of industry let it happen. The utopian clock ticking in the church tower is counting down the demise of mankind. But, it isn't the utopian's time piece that's logging the minutes, hours, days, weeks and years that man has left. It's God's time. And, His timeline is right on schedule. Just hope you're ready when the ram's horn sounds the alarm. And, by the way, make sure you're on the right side of God's Word when you meet your Maker.


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