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RU-486: The Human Pesticide

NOTE: This article is a reprint of what I initially wrote on my old subdomain website in October or November, 2000. I recently found the material on an old work computer, and have reproduced it here.

Those who greeted the "discovery" of the RU-486 "morning-after" death pill, mifepristone, as the magic eraser for the aftermath of an unplanned sexual encounters should probably know that mifepristone was created by the same folks who gave the world Zyklon-B, the lethal gas used to exterminate the majority of Europe's Jewish population in the Auschwitz concentration camp network of 3 large camps and 45 satellite detention, labor and extermination camps which included Treblinka, Birkenau, Buchenwald, Monowitz, Chelmno, Sobibor, Belzec Dachau, and Majdane. Because of the global stigma of what I.G. Farbenindustrie AG, the creator of Zyklon-B did during the war, I.G. Farben AG was reincorporated as Hoechst AG at the end of World War II. Most of the exterminations of Jews was carried out at Birkenau, which was built in 1942 to more secretly dispose of the Jews they killed by cremating the evidence of their crime. Birkenau was 1.9 miles from "Camp One," the main labor camp that was known as Auschwitz #1, the original camp. Auschwitz #1 was where most of the medical "experimentation" occurred. It was the site of the infamous "Block 11," where the most horrendous torture took place. When the Gestapo or SS finished their interrogation, providing the person questioned was still alive, they were taken to what was known as "the Black Wall" and executed.

Over the main entrance of Auschwitz #1 was the infamous sign which said: "Arbeit Macht Frei" (Work Makes One Free.) While IG Farben insists it did not ever participate in the Nazi's attempted extermination of the world's Jews, the authors of the book "I.G. Farben—From Anilin to Forced Labor," Jörg Hunger and Paul Sander, insist that IG Farben ran its own satellite labor camp, Monowitz. They claim it was run by a IG Farben subsidiary, Degesch, where they built the factory which manufactured Zyklon-B. Thirty thousand Jews died in that camp.

The precursor of IG Farben, by the way, invented aspirin. The product was sold in the United States under the name Bayer™ in 1905. And that is who IG Farben was before they became IG Farben. (There is a century old dispute over who discovered aspirin, with Arthur Eichengrun, a Bayer chemist claiming he formulated aspirin in 1908 after he left Bayer. Bayer claims it was formulated by Felix Hoffman in 1897.) In reality, it appears that the formulas of both scientists came from work done by others between 1848-1869. Bayer itself was founded in Wuppertal, Germany (then called Barmen). Bayer was the first to patent acetylsalicylic acid as aspirin in 1899.

During World War I, Bayer turned its attention to the manufacture of chemical weapons, including chlorine gas which killed thousands of American, British, French, Belgium and German soldiers. It was at this time that Bayer joined forces with other German chemical companies, BASF and Hoechst AG, forming the massive German conglomerate called Interessengemeinschaft FarbenIG Farben. IG Farben was the largest contributor to Adolph Hitler's election campaign, and became Hitler's closest collaborator in the Third Reich—and its largest profiteer during World War II.

In 1928, Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, invested in the new German chemical conglomerate. So did Standard Oil because IG Farben was working on two things that intrigued the American companies. Standard Oil, much more than Ford, saw the world as its personal oyster. Ford was about to become an advocate of economic globalism. IG Farben was experimenting with chemicals combined with oil waste products to create a synthetic rubber for tires.

Since cars needed tires, and IG Farben was working on a way to use oil sludge waste to make synthetic rubber, their experiment interested both Henry Ford and John D/ Rockefeller, Jr.). IG Farben was also experimenting with methods to extract gasoline from coal. The family of Paul Warburg, one of the Jekyll Island Seven and the first Federal Reserve system Chairman, was a close associate of .Rockefeller. As the world neared war, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a waiver that allowed both Standard Oil and Ford Motor Company to continue doing business with the Nazis throughout World War Ii. Both companies pledged not to supply Germany with money or supplies that would aid them in their war efforts against the United States. FDR's waiver allowed both Ford and Standard Oil (and likely a dozen or so other major transnational corporations) to continue doing business with IG Farben throughout the war.

Financed in part by investment dollars from Standard OIl and Ford, Farben's Monowitz Labor Camp continued to work on gasoline extraction and their work to successfully synthesize functional rubber tires that would be comparable to natural rubber tires. In the view of both Ford and Standard Oil what they were doing was not, in any way, helping the Nazi war effort since they were attempting to develop products that would not be available for consumer use for decades. Thus, they assured the Roosevelt Administration, their association with the IG Farben conglomerate would not, in any way, help the German war effort. That, of course, was not true since if Germany had been able to extract gasoline from coal, one of the major problems they had throughout World War II—not enough gasoline to fuel their machines of war—would have been solved and may well have caused World War Ii to have a different outcome.

Testifying before the Nuremberg Tribunal on Civilian Crimes in 1946, Standard Oil of Germany president, Emil Helfferich, who was called to testify before the military tribunal to refute a Rockfeller Foundation statement that it would have been unfortunate if a decision had to be made to stop medical research into vaccines and other medicines designed to cure the world's diseases which had no relation to war issues. Based on that logic, the Rockefeller Foundation continued financing Nazi medical research during the war. Helfferich told the military tribunal that Standard Oil funds were used to pay the wages of SS guards at Auschwitz where IG Farben's medical research was being done. (This paragraph paraphrased from the collected works of Dr. Len Horowitz, Tetrahedron, LLC Press; 1996.)

We don't think about it today—or rather I should say, we dismiss it because we don't want to think about benefiting from what the sadistic doctors in the Auschwitz system did to thousands of people as they sought cures for all types of diseases and disorders as doctors who forsook the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm, tortured, butchered and poisoned thousands of Jews, gypsies, and homosexuals to gain a better understanding of what the human body could or could not endure (to help their own troops survive in hostile environments), and using that discovered knowledge to perfect a new generation of medicines and a better understanding of human disease and how it attacks the body.

Much of that Auschwitz experimentation provided medical insight into technology that is now saving lives—or in the case of RU-486, the human pesticide, by allowing people to undo their missteps from a day earlier. This "new" technology allows "host humans" to selectively kill a life that dared, through no choice of its own, to intrude upon its host—like a pesticide that kills an insect, a parasite or even a cancer that feeds on its host. In April, 1980, Roussel-Uclaf chemist George Teutsch synthesized what was initially called RU-38486—mifepristone—that was discovered to be a progesterone receptor antagonist. On April 19, 1982, endocrinologist Dr. Etienne-Emile Baulieu, a Rousell-Uclaf consultant and gynecologist Dr. Walter Hermann, administered RU-38496 to 11 women in the first human tests in Switzerland to see if the drug would successfully abort their fetuses. On Oct. 9, 1987 a global test on 20,000 pregnant women was conducted.

The French government approved what by then had become RU-486 for general use on Sept. 23, 1988. Within 30 days, there were global protests against the human pesticide by anti-abortion groups throughout the world. Among those impacted by the protests was Hoechst AG of Germany which owns 54% of Roussel-Uclaf's stock. The Horescht Board of Directors voted 16 to 4 to stop the distribution of mifepristone. The announcement was made on Oct. 26, 1988. Two days later, the French government (which now suffers from the lowest birth replenishment level in the world) ordered Roussel-Uclaf to distribute RU-486 to French women in the interests of public health.

Seeing the consequences of that decision a quarter-century later, I think if the French Parliament, which will be controlled by an Islamic Shariah Parliament in less than two decades, would revisit that 1988 decision and outlaw the distribution and use of RU-486—because it is a human pesticide.

RU-486 Approved by FDA in 2000
On Thursday, September 28, 2000 the Clinton Administration's FDA announced that it had approved the controversial human pesticide abortion pill, RU-486, for manufacture in the United States. Shortly after the FDA announcement, the pill's US distributor, Danco Laboratories, announced that it expected the new pill, marketed under the name of Mifeprex™, to be available by prescription within a month of the date of the announcement, which was greeted with elation by pro-abortion advocates and dismay by pro-life advocates.

"At long last," Feminist Majority Foundation President Eleanor Smeal said, "science trumps antiabortion politics and medical McCarthyism." Outgoing Vice President Al Gore said: "Today's decision is not about politics, but the health and safety of American women, and a woman's fundamental right to choose." Republican Congressman J.C. Watts said: "Bill Clinton got the legacy he was looking for. This is a sad day for America." And, GOP presidential nominee George W. Bush remarked that it was "...a bad decision by the Clinton Administration, and that it would likely make abortions more and more common rather than more and more rare." Clinton responded to the GOP remarks by saying that "...I regret some members of the other party have already tried to politicize this."

Further Background on the Human Pesticide
In 1982 two chemists working for Roussel Uclaf SA (a subsidiary of the German pharmaceutical giant, Hoechst AG) (formerly IG Farben), Edouard Sakiz and Emile-Etienne Beaulieu were working on a chemical compound that was supposed to induce labor in pregnant women. Instead it deprived the body of progesterone, a hormone that is needed to nourish growing embryos. A second chemical created by the team, misoprostol, triggered labor contractions.

Used in tandem, the two drugs proved to kill and then abort the fetus—in most instances. After testing the French human pesticide for four years, Roussel Uclaf asked the French government for permission to put RU-38486 on the market under the name of Mifepristone™. Permission was granted and tests on French women began as Roussel Uclaf began to dispense RU-38486. Within months pickets formed outside Roussel's Paris headquarters, and angry letters poured in to the office of Edouard Sakiz, Roussel Uclaf's president telling him that he would ultimately pay for "assassinating babies."

Pressure was applied not only on Roussel Uclaf but Hoechst as well by the Catholic Church. Catholic hospitals in Europe were banned from allowing doctors to use RU-38486 or to admit any RU-38486 patients to a Catholic hospital when problems developed—which they do in approximately 10% of all RU-486 abortions. On top of that, Hoechst AG, which has been trying to "live down" its Zyklon-B past, was suddenly reminded of its Nazi links. Hoechst had enough. So had Roussel Uclaf. On October 26, 1988, Roussel Uclaf announced it was abandoning the drug. It would not sell the abortion drug after all.

The outrage from the feminist and pro-abortion groups was fast and furious. Within 48 hours France's Minister of Health, Claude Evin, ordered Roussel Uclaf to bring RU-486 to market or lose their patent. "This product," Evin said, "is the moral property of all women and not just the drug company." Roussel reluctantly put RU-486 on the market. Before they withdrew it again, over 200,000 French women used it to destroy the lives of their unborn children. Throughout Europe 400,000 to 600,000 women aborted their unborn children with Mifepristone™. Then suddenly, Hoechst AG quit making the most profitable drug in its inventory—RU-486 and gave up its patent rights.

And just as quickly, abortion rights groups all over the world filed claims for the patent. In the United States, the patent—and $7 billion in government financing went to the Population Council, which has also claimed the patent rights of the T380A IUD® and the Norplant™ contraceptive implant. One of those claiming the patent rights was Edouard Sakiz, one of the drug's pioneers. Unlike others who paid Hoechst AG and Roussel Uclaf for patent rights, Sakiz paid nothing, claiming "his right" as one of the developers. Sakiz, it appears, has now become the "patent holder," with groups like Population Council deriving their right to manufacture RU-486 from his company.

The Problem With RU-486
The history of RU-486 is as guarded a secret as the "ownership" of the Population Council which controls the American patent on Mifeprex™, suggesting (but by no means confirming) that a high death rate among users may exist. It is also more likely that potential liability—from wrongful death claims, or from severe medical problems caused by RU-486--rather than threats of boycotts of other products manufactured by them from pro-life groups has caused American pharmaceutical companies to decline the "opportunity" to manufacture RU-486.

RU-486 is a potential killer and can rightfully be called a human pesticide. It kills the fetus about 90% of the time. If it fails to kill the fetus, the baby will be born with birth defects if the pregnancy is allowed to continue, making a traditional abortion mandatory if RU-486 fails. It may also kill the mother.

It is for that reason that physicians who prescribe RU-486 must know the complete medical history of their patient. If a woman has used corticosteroids, has hormone problems, has had problems with her adrenal glands, or has a history of allergy to prostaglandin, she will likely become one of the 10% of all women who, after taking RU-486, are hospitalized and usually require surgery to save their lives.

According to the news release issued by the US Department of Health and Human Services [DHHS] in which they said: "The labeling for mifepristone emphasizes that most women using this product will experience some side affects, primarily cramping and bleeding. Bleeding and spotting typically last for between 9 and 16 days. In about one of 100 women, bleeding may be so heavy that a surgical procedure will be required to stop the bleeding—Mifepristone will be distributed to physicians who can accurately determine the duration of a patient's pregnancy and detect an ectopic (or tubal) pregnancy. Physicians who prescribe mifepristone must also be able to provide surgical intervention in cases of incomplete abortion or severe bleeding—or they must have made plans in advance to provide such care through others."

Chemical abortion providers are warned that they must have access to medical facilities for any necessary blood transfusions and for resuscitation of the patient. Unfortunately, in most cases, after misoprostal is administered, no out-of-the-ordinary medical observation takes place. The patient, who thinks she has successfully aborted an unwanted baby goes home. A 14-day follow-up visit is required, and quite likely the patient is informed that if severe bleeding persists they are to go to the hospital. The prescriber of RU-486 is required, according to DHHS rules, to report all ongoing pregnancies, serious adverse events, and the number of hospitalizations and blood transfusions resulting from RU-486.

But even with these precautions—and ruling out the idea that women whose age or health risk their lives by taking RU-486, the two drug regimen poses serious risks according to the DHHS. Further, infection, sterility and death can result from undiagnosed, incomplete abortions. Nine percent of the women in US tests bled for more than 30 days, with 1% bleeding over 60 days. Twenty-five women underwent emergency surgery or were hospitalized with complications. Over 2,000 of the 3,000 test group required emergency blood transfusions.

This is serious. When the DHHS warns abortion providers to make sure they have doctors available to intervene surgically clearly suggests this drug has the potential of being life-threatening to the woman who takes it. Quite obviously, serious medical problems are anticipated by the DHHS since, in Europe, serious medical problems occurred quite often; hence, the liability factor that has been so adroitly concealed behind the smoke and mirrors rhetoric that pharmaceutical companies don't want to produce RU-486 under any name not because they will be called IG Farben, Jr., but because they are afraid of the financial liability that comes from class action law suits.

Among the United States test group was a 34-year old woman we will call "Jane." (Not her real name.) She had her RU-486 abortion performed at the South Avenue OB-GYN Group in Rochester, New York as part of the Abortion Rights Mobilization Study authorized by the FDA. "I knew what I was doing was wrong," Jane told a Boston Globe reporter who was doing a story on RU-486, "but I think it gets worse, the longer you wait." Jane already had two children and didn't want any more. "I'm probably going to pay for it with God. But I felt better about the route I had gone, because of the earliness." I wonder if Jane Doe, or the "nameless others" who believed the human pesticide was an answer to their prayers, and thought those thoughts as they popped their lethal dose of mifepristone and misoprostol? Or wondered how this "miracle drug could kill the baby and excrete it from inside them, but not kill or harm them, too? They, like approximately 50 million other women who walked into an abortion clinic somewhere in the United States to have the babies within their wombs chopped to pieces and sucked out of their bodies, thought only that, for one reason or another, having a baby at that moment was inconvenient without thinking for an instant that they were actually killing a human being—their human being?

Should RU-486 Be Allowed?
The health risk from the human pesticide is so great that it greatly increases the liability factor of RU-486. It is so great, in fact, that pharmaceutical companies in the industrialized nations will no longer manufacture it. While Danco Laboratories, LLC (created by the Population Council which holds the US patent rights to RU-486). Danco is publicly identified as the manufacturer of RU-486. In point-of-fact, it's merely the marketing arm of the product. When you check Danco, you discover that it has no pharmaceutical research facilities. It manufactures nothing. It is a pharmaceutical marketing company with an unlisted telephone number in its 13th floor Manhattan office location. It really doesn't need a listed phone number since it only has one product to promote—RU-486. Danco hired DDB Worldwide, a Seattle-based advertising agency to develop an advertising campaign to sell the drug to women under the benign name "Early Option." Danco fund raises from the world's most aggressive population control advocates since the Population Council's objective, like its donors, is to reverse population growth in the world.

The head of Danco is Roy Karnovsky, a former Merck & Company marketing executive. His job is raising money from population control advocates like George Soros, Warren Buffet, the estate of David Packard (one of the founders of Hewlett-Packard), and several wealthy Wall Street watermelons (investors who are green on the outside and commie red on the inside) who, like Al Gore, Jr. claim to believe that people are responsible for global warming (although it's been proven beyond doubt that global warming is caused 99.999% by the solar cycles of our sun). Danco has, thus far raised well over $35 million for the Population Council's RU-486 project to train doctors, counselors, clinicians, and other medical personnel on how to properly administer RU-468 for the National Abortion Federation. But, they still had a problem. No pharmaceutical company wanted to touch the product in the United States. The people here are just too litigious. Kill one of them and, for some unfathomable reason, their families will sue you.

When Roussel Uclaf declined to manufacture RU-486 in the litigious United States, the Population Council was forced to look for a manufacturer elsewhere. They thought they found one in Hungarian drug maker Gedeon Richter in 1996, but the deal fell through in 1997 after Richter discovered just how open to liability he would be.

In 1999 the Population Council announced it had a manufacturer, but declined to identify who that manufacturer was. An internal memo between the Population Council and Danco secured by the Wall Street Journal on Sept. 5, 2000 revealed the Population Council's "dirty little secret"—their unnamed manufacturer is in Communist China.

Although Danco refused to confirm the name of the Chinese pharmaceutical company that was making RU-486 for the Population Council, ABC New revealed on Oct. 12, 2000 that the Rockefeller Foundation helped the Hua Lian Pharmaceutical Company secure the deal to produce RU-486 for the Population Council. Hua Lian is located in Shanghai. The Rockefeller Foundation, the most powerful population-reduction voice in the world, exerted the pressure needed for Hua Lian, the largest pharmaceutical company in communist China, to win the production license for RU-486 in the United States. But, in a country known for shoddy production (particularly of pharmaceutical products), the fact they are the largest drug company in China has no saving grace. What should be even more troublesome to Americans are the names and credentials of those behind RU-486's legalization and distribution in the United States.

The Anti-Population Movement Behind RU-486
Even before he stumbled on RU-486, French chemist Emile Baulieu admits that he and other like-minded scientists around the world were seeking a "chemical solution" to the population explosion; and that he was personally looking for a way to "...deal with the demographics of the Third World." (i.e., the "population crisis.") Even though France had dropped RU-486 by 1990; and England, Sweden, Germany, and the other European nations that were using it had refused to manufacture it, Baulieu's opinion did not change. "Women badly need a backup methods of effective abortion," he said. "RU-486 has a vital role to play...helping governments to dampen a population explosion which threatens to outstrip the world's resources." (Baulieu, an ecoalaramist, has spent too much of his time reading Gore's book, Earth in the Balance.) Even China, which is now the only country in the world that will produce the drug, admitted in a recent interview with the Journal of the American Medical Women's Association that "...mifepristone/misoprostol abortions are falling into disfavor [with the doctors] at larger hospitals in China [because] they have to manage the referred cases with serious side effects and complications."

Because of the drug's rejection by every industrialized nation, the population control advocates who want to use RU-486 to stem the population explosion in the third world, hope that American women will view Mifeprex™ as a more humane way of disposing of the "fetal material" within their wombs, and thereby create universal acceptance of RU-486 worldwide—something that did not happen in Europe. The UN, using the Population Council (which is a UN NGO), is already moving in that direction. With their RU-486 patent in hand, the Population Council and representatives of Exelgyn met with delegates from Kenya, India, South Africa, Cuba and Vietnam and several other third world countries in January, 1998 to discuss the most effective way of tackling the issue of unsafe surgical abortions in the developing in the developing world by the safe and effective introduction of early chemical abortions...thus proving, once again that it is as it has always been...nothing more than the elitists utilizing the human capital of the world to earn a profit. Dr. Kevorkian is probably taking notes.



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