News Articles
efore the Election Campaign of 2016 ended in the voting booths of America on Nov. 8, this writer was already getting pings on his political radar screen that post-election rioting by anarchists would ultimately lead to a new form of covert warfare. It was designed to created a "failed State" to accompany the fabricated "failed economy" of the Trump Administration—which the "Deep State" planners in the Obama Administration expected would ultimately lead to an anarchist civil war that would then culminate in a 25th Amendment "vote of no confidence" in President Donald Trump. At that time, the leadership of both Parties in the House and Senate would vote on Section 4 of the 25th Amendment, arguing that Trump could no longer effectively discharge the duties of the Office of the President of the United States and then, be removed. Why? Because the princes of industry, the barons of banking and courtesans of commerce need one thing in their presidents that Donald Trump does not possess but Vice President Mike Pence does. The 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump is not a professional politician. Vice President Pence is. Ninety-seven percent of politicians, whether honest or crooked, are beholden to political PACs for contributions to get reelected every two, four or six years. Now you have one of the two reasons why the left in the US Senate has been dragging its heels since Jan. 20, 2017 to keep from filling key Executive Branch secretarial posts with Trump appointees, particularly Sen. Jeff Sessions' recent confirmation as US Attorney General. The left dragged his confirmation hearing on until Trump fired Acting US Attorney Sally Yates and replaced her with a pick of his own, even though everyone readily acknowledged that the left lacked the votes to stop virtually any Trump pick from ultimately being confirmed. With that thought in mind, let's take a quick glance at the woman Obama picked as Acting US Attorney General when he already had one foot out of the door of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue—Sally Yates. Yates [D-GA] was hired as an Assistant US Attorney by US Attorney Bob Barr [R-GA] in 1989. In 2005 Barr picked Yates to prosecute Eric Rudolph, who was charged with bombing an abortion clinic, the New Woman, All Women Health Clinic in Birmingham, Alabama on Jan. 29, 1998. Killed in the blast was an off-duty police officer serving as the clinic's overnight guard, Robert Sanderson, making the Birmingham abortion clinic bombing a capital offense. After a five-year manhunt, Rudolph was apprehended. Not only was he charged with the New Woman, All Women Health Clinic abortion clinic bombing, he was also charged with the 1996 Centennial Olympic Park bombing (which had been blamed on Richard Jewell, a security guard wannabe deputy sheriff at the Park); and four abortion clinic bombings in Atlanta, Georgia. Rudolph, a clean-cut young man didn't look as guilty as the US Attorney needed him to look to get a conviction. So, they needed a confession. Since Yates had two eye witnesses who theoretically put Rudolph near the Birmingham abortion clinic when it blew up, Yates convinced Rudolph she had enough evidence to execute him. She offered him a sweetheart deal—no death sentence if he confessed to all of the unsolved crimes. Believing Yates had enough circumstantial evidence to execute him Rudolph took the plea, and Yates had a cake-walk career boost. Yates was rapidly climbing the political ladder when Barack Obama appointed her US Attorney in March, 2010. Then on May 13, 2015 the Senate confirmed 50-year old Yates as Obama's new Deputy US Attorney General, where she ultimately became the boss of approximately 113,000 DOJ employees—and, among her most sacred duties, Yates was charged with carrying out Obama's Muslim immigration program (which Obama knew the 45th President of the United States intended to thwart). Barack Obama couldn't have been more pleased when President Trump failed to immediately fire every political appointee in the Executive Branch of government because those appointees instantly became part of the backbone of his new shadow government, referred to as the "Deep State." Further, after 90 days those political appointees become tenured employees of the Executive Branch and can't be fired without cause. The longer Sen. Chuck Schumer [D-NY] delayed any key political appointee (plus scores of low level political hacks in every administration who still need to be confirmed by the Senate), the more the Democrats were able to slow walk the apparatus of the State "work horses" who manage the day-to-day drudgery—most of them with some knowledge and/or access to the inner workings of the Trump organization. Which is why Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer, who on Jan. 21, 2017, exposed his reason for dragging out the confirmation of cabinet level appointees like Sen Jeff Sessions as the 84th US Attorney General of the United States, dragged his heels on confirming Trump appointees. Schumer's ploy was to help Obama prolong "flunkie control" over key secretarial posts and scores of social progressive career bureaucrats as long as possible. It was a critical part of the "Deep State" plan (an obscure and monolithic, invisible State within the State controlled not by the 45th President of the United States, but the 44th.) Schumer needed to keep Obama loyalists in plenary control of as much of the bureaucracy as he could for as long as possible. Key to Obama's Deep State was Schumer [D-NY] and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi [D-CA]. On the flip side are the Clintons and dual-citizen socialist (American-Hungarian) socialist Jew George Soros who was partially funding Black Lives Matter, and Obama who was funding another homegrown anarchist group, Organizing America, to bring their protests and riots the Obamas needed to the streets of the United States. Organizing America was founded in 2013 by Jim Messina and Michelle Obama. It's a 501(c)4 non-profit. Also funding incomes with health benefits and paid vacations was George Soros whose group, "ANSWER" (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism), pledged to disrupt the the Trump-Pence inauguration on Jan. 20 which, along with Organizing America, did. Several media outlets reported that ANSWER ran ads in alternative news tabloids as well as on Craigslist websites around the country offering incomes of up to $1,500.00 per week for protestors and agitators. One Craigslist ad in Philadelphia read:
Wow! Just think, even if you have no experience in looting stores and destroying private property, you're eligible for this job or others like them. What? No paid vacations, retirement plans or healthcare benefits? ANSWER may not offer benefits, but WashingtonCAN does. Washington State's largest communist political action organization offers their grassroots non-profit "employees" medical, dental, and vision-care insurance, 401[k] pension, paid vacation, paid sick days, holidays, and leaves of absence (what—no paid jail time?). Advancement and travel opportunities are available as well. Staffers average $15-20 an hour. They treat their anarchist "Overthrow America" employees right. Most of the unaffiliated protestors who joined the professional dissent (which was made to look spontaneous) do so only to protest their own failed existences with most of them, sadly, believing that the fake spontaneity of the left was genuine. Most of the dissidents on the streets of the nation's capital on Nov. 8th and 9th were paid to protest and allowed to riot, destroy private property and looting the stores whose windows they broke.. Only a few blocks from the DC protests (which included Black Lives Matter), rioters demanded that the presidency be surrendered to Hillary Clinton, was what would become Barack Obama's new "rental"—an 8,200 square foot home in the very exclusive posh, Kalorama neighborhood of DC, some two miles from the White House. Interestingly, shortly after the inauguration of Donald Trump at noon on Jan. 20, network TV showed the Obamas boarding what was, at that moment, the ex-Marine One, on the White House lawn waiting to lift-off for Andrews Air Force Base, the first leg of what Obama described as some much needed R& Palm Beach, California where they planned to enjoy an off-the-radar-screen vacation at the home of James Costas, the outgoing US Ambassador to Spain. The Huffington Post noted that Malia and Sasha Obama would join their parents at Costas' Thunderbird Heights home. (On Jan. 23 because Obama thought it was too cold [temperature in Palm on the 23rd was a high of 65° and a low of 55°], they flew back to DC. Their daughters were still in Maryland. Since heavy rains began around Palm Springs before Jan. 20, and it rained continuously through Jan. 27 where many roads throughout the county were closed, Obama would have known the condition of the weather would be cool and that torrential rains were much heavier than usual, long before leaving Washington for a diversion that was called "R & R.". Obama, who still had half of the bureaucracy in Washington reporting to him, knew that the weather in Palm Springs was crappy; thus, the shortness of their visit was planned before they ever left for Palm Springs. TMZ reported on Jan. 24 that Richard Branson's private jet picked up Malia and Sasha in Maryland on the 24th and supposedly flew them to the Caribbean. Although TMZ surmised that Branson's jet flew them to the Caribbean, at this point, the media seemed to have lost track of everyone. So, it appears no one in the media was quite sure who got on or off Branson's private jet, or where or when. they did. The supermarket tabloids that week reported that Michelle Obama was spotted having a hissy-fit with her husband shortly after he became the most unimportant man in the world (picked up by Obama still had work to in DC. He had an army of anti-Trump activists which New York Post writer Paul Sperry claims Barack Obama had organized to oppose President Trump's destruction of Obama's legacy. Michelle Obama's hissy-fit reportedly turned into a full-fledged temper tantrum when Branson's services were purportedly needed in Palm Springs. ( reported that when Michelle Obama climbed on board the Branson jet she was the sole passenger flying to the Caribbean.) As it turned out, as the immediate post-presidency phase of the as yet unvetted and unverified American citizen Barack Obama is a mystery. Obama wasn't just staying behind in the nation's capital as Michelle vacationed in the balmy Caribbean, Obama was setting up the structure of his shadow government to sabotage the incoming Trump Administration to protect his "legacy," which he carved out in Executive Orders that remain "law" only as long as Obama possesses enough power to enforce them. The Michelle Obama hissy-fit appeared to have started just after the ex-Marine One chopper landed at Andrews. Since I can't peek under the three long-dispersed walnut shells to see which one Michelle was under, which one Obama was under, and which one his daughters were under—and where those shells were located when the verbal explosion occurred—I can only assume that Obama was the only one who ended up in his new residence and "command center" two miles from the White House, because that's the only scenario that makes sense. The civil insurrection I had been hearing about for several months appears to have started out as a protest on the other side of town shortly after President-Elect Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. According to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, as President-elect Donald Trump began his "key-players selection process" Obama's US intelligence community under National Security Advisor James Clapper was rapidly doing what needed to be done to destabilize the non-political President-elect in order to make him look like an political novice who was incapable of running a nation. This, the left believed, would allow the socialist Democrats and disaffected Republicans to use the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office. Toppling the American republic became a full-blown job on Nov. 4, 2008 when 96,992,000 registered voters somehow cast 132,618,580 ballots (or 35,626,580 more votes than voters) to "elect" Obama. These were the Acorn voters combined with the voting machine fraud that guaranteed Obama's win. (That's likely why, as Obama campaigned for the presidency, he never told his audiences that "...if he won" he would do this or that, it was always "...when I win" because Obama knew the election was rigged before the first make-believe votes were cast as absentee ballots.) The Election of 2012 verified how easy fraud is to achieve when 90,682,958 registered voters somehow cast 126,985,809 votes. We know that of the 69,456,580 ballots credited to Obama, he likely earned only 33,830,317 legitimate votes in 2008. Which is why the moment he "won" the Election in 2008, and before he even assumed the office of the President of the United States on Jan. 20, 2009 (which he did not legally win and was not qualified to assume), Obama minions were already busy orchestrating his re-election through a 501(c)4, Obama for America. In 2016, OFA claimed to have 250 chapters (which it likely does have since it now fields a small army of some 32,500 agitators. For what purpose? According to NBC News, OFA's purpose is to protect Obamacare with leftwing social-progressive events sponsored by groups like Center for American Progress, and Planned Parenthood. However, the ultimate goal seems to be disrupting efforts by Republicans to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Since President Trump assumed the White House, OFA's real purpose appears to be helping political activists plan and stage violent protests and riots, complete with the destruction and torching of private property, and the looting of private businesses which are, in no way, involved in the political processes being protested. OFA now appears to be uniquely Obama's puppets of criminal mischief. George Soros, who has his fingers in much of the social progressive mischief in the United States, has been blamed for much of what Obama was likely responsible for from the Oval Office when he occupied the White House. Today, the post-Obama Administration "war room" where Obama will personally direct OFA while still leading a loyal faction of career Islamofascist and socialist mid-level government employees [particularly in the intelligence community], who are still working in the various agencies because the US Senate has been dragging their heels and deliberately not confirming President Trump's mid-level appointees. No more secure in his own mind than he was at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Obama, who doesn't want the American people protected by walls—it has been suggested—may now build one around the Kalorama house he leased in 2014. (I've rented a dozen homes or more during my lifetime before my wife and I could afford to buy one, but I've never had a landlord who was willing to let me to build a wall around his property.) Yet, it continues to amaze me how leftwing America, particularly the celebrity left, wants "feel-good open borders" that allow anyone from anywhere in the third world access to virtually everything in America except the gated communities of the rich who live in walled villas within them, protected by armed guards from the underclasses of humanity which they welcome into the world where the rest of us live. The unseen tragedy of what has, for years—and still is—happening in America, it could only happen in a political system which has lost its patriotic moorings, and is now floating rudderless in a sea of chaos. Since Nov. 8, 2016 the festering undertones of political strife between the conservative right and the socialist left exploded into a "battle in the streets" of America on Jan. 21, 2017 when, over the last three months or more, acquaintances on both sides of the great political divide in the nation's capital told me that regardless who—Trump or Clinton—won, we could expect to see a fifth column rise up in the United States with civil unrest erupting in the streets of this great nation, replete with the type of looting, bloodshed and defiant insurrection common in third world nations. On Nov. 9, 2016 as protests in the nation's capital heated, Barack Obama spoke to the media, sending what many thought was tacit approval through a coded message to the protestors, igniting the crowds when he said that he "...was heartened by the anti-Trump protests..." in the streets of DC. At that moment, a free speech protest by disgruntled agitators demanded, first, that Hillary Clinton (who won the popular vote but lost the election), be installed as President. When that failed (since the States, not the people, actually elect the President), the crowds, egged on by insurgents in Obama's bureaucracy, and through Black Lives Matter and the 250 or so OFA affiliates throughout most of the major leftwing cities in America began demanding that the People throw our current Constitution in the trash, and start over with a new one where president's are elected by popular vote, and where the downtrodden from other nations could find safe haven here just by coming. One of those demanding that our Constitution be trashed was Donna Brazile, a Democratic Party strategist and the interim Democratic National Committee chairwoman in 2017, who fed questions and answers from CNN's Clinton-Trump Debate to Hillary Clinton, losing both her job at CNN, and her chance to become the permanent Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. When a rash of Trump Administration "Deep States" leaks from the NSA, the CIA and the FBI, were being discredited, one of them backfired, leading to the forced resignation of James Clapper, on Jan. 15, 2017. Tapes of a Jan.11 phone call between Clapper and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak revealed that Clapper learned that Donald Trump had not spoken with Kislyak (who was not, and still is not, part of Putin's inner circle) on Nov. 17, 2016.But, National Security Advisor-designate Lt. Gen Michael Flynn called Kislyak, supposedly, only to introduce himself to the ambassador. At least, that is what Gen. Flynn told Vice President Mike Pence when asked. However, when Clapper asked Kislyak what he and Flynn talked about, it was more than just a "howdy, glad to meetcha." Feeling a lack of trust because the General was not completely forthcoming. President Trump accepted Flynn's resignation after a 24 day stint in office—igniting a media firestorm because the 4th estate assumed, with no evidence, that there had to be a lot more between Flynn and the Russians than a handshake and a nod. There was—in Trump's mind. Gen. Flynn's account of contacts with Kislyak didn't square with the intelligence intercepts. Trump knew he couldn't keep anyone on his staff that he couldn't trust 100%. And, without a clue why Trump accepted Flynn's resignation, congressional Democrats were convinced that it was a sign that the Russians were behind Hillary Clinton's losing the election, and speculation arose that this might be the opportunity Barack Obama needed to backdoor the new president with a 25th Amendment impeachment. Clapper, the phone tap revealed, leaked the Flynn-Kislyak meeting information to the Washington Post suggesting a nefarious reason for the call (which caused the New York Times to refresh its Obama's 11th hour Executive Order on Jan. 12, 2017) about the NSA's willingness to share its globally-intercepted data with Clapper's other 16 intelligence agencies before stamping them with proper classification designations) which led to Clapper's premature resignation. Of course, before those documents became top secret, the unclassified versions were very deliberately passed through the hands of hundreds of mid-level Obama bureaucrats—who were still tacitly in control of the Trump Administration, and still steering the engine of State because only a handful of Trump's department heads had been confirmed by the Senate. Thus, the Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer [D-NY] whose job it was to keep as much of the bureaucracy out of Trump's hands until Obama's soft coup had virtually destroyed his presidency, knew that the baseless documents would eventually end up in the hands of the media who would now have "reliable government sources" to quote when slandering anyone in the Trump Administration. At 3:35 a.m. on March 4, 2017, Barack Obama's Dark State soft coup against the Trump Administration was revealed when President Trump tweeted the following: "Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my 'wires tapped' in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!" This tweet, for the first time since Nov. 8th, momentarily put the Obama people on defense. At 3:35 a.m, Trump tweeted: "Is it legal for a sitting President to be wire tapping a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by [FISA] court earlier. A NEW LOW!" This was probably the most important tweet Trump made that Saturday morning. Trying to get out in front of the story quickly, Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis tweeted back: "A cardinal rule of the Obama Administration was that no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice. As part of that practice, neither...Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any US citizen. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false." At 7:02 a.m., Trump followed with another tweet: "How low has...Obama gone to tapp [sic] my phones during the very sacred election process? This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!" The Obama big guns now came out, with former Obama Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes' repudiation of Trump theoretically ending the Twitter debate. "No President can order a wiretap," he said authoritively. "Those restrictions were put in place to protect citizens from people like [Trump]." He also said "only a liar..." could make the case...that Obama had wire tapped Trump Tower ahead of the election. Although Rhodes was convinced what he had just exonerated Obama, in point of fact, what he said supports Trump's version of Obama's first attempt to wiretap the phones in Trump Tower in June, 2016. Rhodes cited the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act FISA] court's preclusion of Obama using presidential authority to wire tap the phone lines in Trump Tower. However, Rhodes didn't read the statute, 36 Title 50, Section 1802 (a)(1) which says:
In June, 2016 the FBI and Attorney General Loretta Lynch on behalf of Barack Obama, appears to have approached the FISA court seeking a wiretap of an Internet server in Trump Tower with a link to a Russian bank—without a court order, according to the provisions of the FISA law. The FISA request specifically named and targeted Trump. However, because the FBI could not produce any nefarious reasons which would allow a wiretap, the request was declined. Obama could not justify the wire tap. (The first attempt to wire tap Trump's Internet server in June, 2017 was based on the following:
In October, as Hillary Clinton's real poll numbers were tanking like boulders in quicksand because John Podesta, Hillary's campaign manager, was using a matrix created by a liberal polling company to make it appear that Hillary was doing much better in the polls than she actually was. Obama, on the other hand, who knew that fake poll number did not translate into actual votes, also knew that Trump intended to dismantle both the Affordable Care Act and the rest of Obama's "Executive Order legacy" if Clinton lost. For that reason, Obama had to insert himself deeper in the Hillary's campaign in order to tip the voters against Trump. He could do that only if he convinced the voters that all of Hillary's sins were coloring book fabrications of Vladimir Putin, Christmas-wrapped and delivered to his "American friend," Donald Trump. Once again the left attacked Trump by going back to the FISA court for a warrant to wiretap the Trump Tower server. In January, 2017, The Guardian newspaper in London learned that after the FISA court asked the FBI to narrowed its request, it did precisely that. At which time the FISA court reportedly granted the wiretap authorization. The Guardian, in reporting the story, noted it could not confirm whether any such warrant led to an actual investigation. (When he was interviewed and asked about the October FISA wiretap warrant, former Obama speech writer Jon Favreau admitted one was authorized, but quickly added that when Obama was interviewed in response to Trump's tweet, Obama never said the server wasn't wiretapped. He simply said Obama did not seek the authorization to wiretap it.) In a very interesting, yet troubling, double-barreled political aside, since FBI Director James Comey appears to have not known anything about the Trump FISA requests, and the reports of the existence of both the June and October FISA warrants are true, how would the Director of the FBI not know of their existence? Very likely because, under FISA, notwithstanding any other law, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order . Note, it said "...through the Attorney General," not the FBI Director. Since the FBI is a division of the Justice Department, the FBI Director reports to the Attorney General. If an Attorney General decided not to keep a FBI Director "in the loop," so be it. I expect Loretta Lynch kept a lot of stuff from Comey—particularly stuff that could have, and still can, put Hillary Clinton in prison for a long time. The other barrel? I doubt there is much trust between Comey, Lynch and Obama. I suspect most in the Justice Dept knew Comey has no liking for either of the Clintons, which suggests neither Obama nor Lynch would have kept Comey in the loop if they were trying to wiretap a presidential candidate, a presidential nominee or a president's Internet server in order to find enough dirt to [a] tar and feather him and see him defeated in the voting booth, [b] convince the Electoral College to elect the popular vote winner and not the candidate who actually won the election; or [c] support the members of Congress who, using the 25th Amendment instead of Article II, Sec, 4, remove a president from office not because he committed high crimes and misdemeanors but because Congress didn't like how he performed his job, needed to get rid of him to preserve a former president's legacy—by casting a 2/3rd vote to impeach in both Houses. The problem for most cyberwriters is that Obama's Deep State Initiative includes 32,525 anarchist agitators, many of whom work within the federal bureaucracy and are invisible to those not part of the Dark State. In addition, several former Obama Administration lawyers, even more invisible than the mid-level bureaucrats, formed a group called United to Protect Democracy which, of course, has nothing to do with protecting democracy and everything to do with weakening the office of the president and prepping him for removal from office. I call this early phase of the Trump Administration "Star Wars—The Empire Strikes Back." Darth Vader (you know him as Barack Obama) is determined to destroy the orb we know as America. President Trump, on the other hand, is determined to erase Obama's Muslim footprints from the Oval Office—beginning, I hope, with the Oval Office in the White House which is replete with the Muslim world's gold drapes and wallpaper—which adorn the walls of every Islamic royal palace in the world. Obama's covert plan entails the equally covert investigation of Trump's private and political life as well as who the President associated with a lifetime ago in order to find dirt that can be used to tarnish him and his family. The personal dirt they find (let's call it what it is—obsolete tabloid fodder) will be filtered by the mainstream media and distributed to news outlets like its freshly minted greenbacks. |