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ote: Eleven years ago I wrote and posted this article on my old subdomain website. To many people reading this article, this is either going to be a brand new story that you've never heard of before today, or one you vaguely remember but largely forgot. In January, 1999 I began writing the story about a small Nashua, New Hampshire company that was buying drivers' license photos from the States. The company, Image Data, LLC, purchased 3.5 million drivers' license photos from the State of South Carolina, 14 million electronic photo images from the State of Florida and another 5 million from the State of Carolina before the American people woke up and began to protest the selling of their images to a private corporation who purportedly was going to build a national photographic database on the American people which they, in turn, would sell to the merchant princes of the world who would be able to scan your image at the point-of-purchase and match you with the national database. Or so they said.

At the time of my original article, in February, 1999, Image Data was negotiating with almost all 50 States with the same deal to pump millions of dollars into each State's coffers. Just prior to the publishing of this article, the media reported that Image Data LLC would soon have an image databank that would contain every person in the United States who possessed a State-issued drivers license or any form of State-issued photo ID. It would be a photo database that would rival the database of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's "rogues' gallery." Only, this database—unconstitutional for any law enforcement agency to possess—would not be photos of those who have committed crimes, but innocent citizens for whom the government has no legal right to possess a database.

When I first learned about a small, completely unknown 1997 startup company and its relatively unknown low-profile founder, Robert Houvener, who [a] somehow had enough connections to gain access to the highest portals of government at both the State and federal levels, or [b] had the millions of dollars needed to purchase image databases from the States, I wondered how a small New Hampshire entrepreneur that no one ever heard of got in so tight with the Clinton White House and seven Republican and Democratic politicians in 1997.

People wondered, or at least I did, if Houvener was a covert big donor "friend" of Bill Clinton, or if he was just some wealthy guy with the right political connections. The private man became a public figure when the leftwing media reported that Houvener was singlehandedly creating a new industry in the United States—protecting America from a new form of crime: identity theft. Houvener popularized the term, "identity theft," and promised his new company, Image Data, LLC would solve the problem in an interview with the Washington Post on Feb. 17, 1999.

In a letter to the media in 1997, Congress noted that "...the TrueID technology has widespread potential to reduce crime in the credit and checking fields, in airports to reduce the chances of terrorism..." (this was four years before 9-11, which indicates Houvener's technology proved not to be the deterrent against terrorism since no one in government ever intended it to be used in that manner) "...and immigration and naturalization to verify proper identity," adding, "the Secret Service can provide technical assistance and assess the effectiveness of this new technology." In reality Houvener's technology was not, nor ever will be used to catch and deport illegal aliens because the princes of industry and barons of business need the cheap labor that illegals supply. I suspect that Houvener's technology will be used against the American people when national sovereignty collapses and the United States is returned to the shackles of Europe.

That was the secret Houvener did not want to share with the State governors from whom he was buying his image databases. When they found out, most of the States tried to break their deal with Image Data, but the federal courts ruled that a deal made was a deal kept. Houvener's ties to Big Brother were cast in steel. The Washington Post reported that Image Data LLC not only received technical advise and assistance from the US Secret Service, but that's where he got the money to buy the databases he was securing from the States. Robert O'Harrow, Jr. and Elizabeth Leyden broke the front page story the following day. In the article, the Post reported that two US Senators and a Congressman—Judd Gregg [R-NH], Ben Nighthorse [R-CO], and Congressman Charles Bass [D-SC]—were instrumental in arranging Houvener's government financing. The three were also among seven members of Congress who received campaign contributions from Image Data, LLC.

The Secret Service agreed to finance and share proprietary rights with Imagine Data, LLC Prorictary's application for "Identity Verification and Privacy Enhancement to Treasury Transactions, a Multiple Use Identity Crime Pilot Project" in April, 1997. Houvener's business prototype to benefit the business community by making it more difficult for identity thieves to steal your credit card, your social security number or hijack your checking account was ready for corporate consumption.

When the Washington Post broke the story, Cary Rosoff, the Secret Service Special-Agent-in-Charge of what became known as the "Truth ID Project" initially suggested that the Secret Service role was merely as "an advisor," and that the Secret Service was merely "...trying to show Image Data positive ways the system could work...Our feeling was, if the government was going to invest money into a program, why not make it work as well as it can." No one at the Post asked the Secret Service why it was investing $1.48 million of taxpayers' money into what was theoretically supposed to be a private enterprise startup operation. Perhaps the reason the Post didn't ask that question is because it already knew Image Data was a covert government agency posing as private enterprise. As it turned out, the $1.48 million that Rosoff implied was the total loan (or grant) to Image Data, was just the tip of a very large, green iceberg—and we aren't talking about environmental green. We're talking about greenback green. Buried in the 1998 Omnibus Budget Bill was the rest of the funding needed to complete the financing of Image Data LLC—the millions of dollars needed to con the States out of millions of drivers' license ID photos vanished off the radar scope for several months.

They made the news a few months later when it was learned that Image Data LLC had signed contracts with several large banks to make their ATMs "theft-proof" by selling them retinal scanning technology developed by the CIA to assure that only those with "need-to-know" privileges gain access to certain areas within the CIA's facility in Langley, Virginia. Instead of punching a password into the ATM to get cash, the cardholder needed only to look into the retina scanner which compared their retinas with the bank's digital database of cardholders. If there was a retinal scan, the transaction was allowed. If the retina did not match the cardholder, the transaction was terminated, protecting the ATM cardholder from fraud. (One of my DC contacts, a former Los Alamos engineer, who was familiar with Image Data said the company was a CIA "asset.")

Nor will it surprise me to learn that "the ties that bind" Drexler Technology (the world's largest seller of biometric national identity cards) to the US government are more than sticky red tape and export licenses. When the United States government knows they can't sneak big brother laws that have the potential to restrict liberty through Congress, they farm the project through companies that appear to be "private enterprise," which are generally CIA fronts. People will defend the right of private enterprise to intrude on government as they resist any attempt by government to intrude on the rights of private enterprise, or restrict the liberty of the citizens of the United States.

As Americans we assume we have an inherent right to privacy. We have a right to be secure in our homes; and a right from authorities seizing papers or personal effects without a court order. We are exempt from any unreasonable searches or seizure of our property.

We assume that an unequivocal "right to privacy" is guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. According to the Supreme Court on Jan. 22, 1973, it is—for pregnant women. It was deemed that pregnant women have a privacy right so sacrosanct that, according to the US Supreme Court, a woman can kill a baby in her womb just for intruding on that right. Even though most Americans are convinced there is a total privacy right that protects them in the same way somewhere in the Constitution which they have never bothered to read. In point of fact, there is no omnibus "privacy clause" in the Constitution. There is no right that allows a woman to kill her unborn baby; and none that will protect us from an overly intrusive government that is determined, through whatever means is possible, to build an unconstitutional information data system that encompasses every US citizen. that database will contain our drivers' license number and photo, our fingerprints and, if available, a retinal scan for good measure—and possibly even a digital image of our DNA code that will immediately tie a suspect with any crime in which DNA was left behind. Talk about wiping out the 5th Amendment prohibition against self-incrimination.

That electronic data, along with our complete medical and credit histories, our gun ownership records, and probably our written or video-recorded political ideologies as well, will be stored at the government's top secret National Identification Center in western Virginia near the New River. The first knowledge of the secret installation was revealed in 1994 by House Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Neal Smith [D-IO] in his race against then political neophyte Dr. Greg Ganske [R-IO]. Smith sent a fundraising letter to his key ideological supporters who opposed gun rights. In the fundraising piece, Smith said: "the Subcommittee on Appropriations which I chair has been actively pursuing an effective solution to this problem...But the program we are implementing will take more time. The solution to screening people...is to have a National Center computerized so that local law enforcement officers can instantly access information for all States...We have invested $392 million so far in such a Center...and we hope to have it completed and equipped in about two years. We hope all States will be on the system by 1998 and will supply the information on a continuing basis...Meanwhile, we will continue to establish the...Center for this and other law enforcement purposes." (Whatever Happened to America? By Jon Christian Ryter © 2000, pg. 492.) Keep in mind that the government of the United States does not have the constitutional authority to keep dossiers on private citizens who have not broken the law. Yet the Clinton Administration, which funded the National Identification Center did precisely that. By using covert agencies disguised as private enterprise corporations, State governments which would never have surrendered photo ID databases on their citizens to the federal government were easily persuaded by their State legislatures to pick up easy money for their State treasuries.

When the media reported the Secret Service funding of Image Data LLC and the CIA tie, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush [R] canceled his contract with Houvener to sell Image Data 14 million photographs. Colorado Gov. Bill Owens [R] halted the sale of 5 million images as the State legislator enacted legislation which made the transfer of the data illegal. South Carolina Attorney General Charles Condon sued Image Data for the return of 3.5 million digital photos that were already being used by Image Data. When a state judge heard Condon's legal argument, he ruled that Image Data's True ID program was "...no more intrusive on the privacy of an individual than the showing of a drivers' license itself." Condon appealed to the South Carolina Supreme Court. In the end, he lost. It's pointless to try to close the barn door when the livestock is scattered all over the landscape.

The information I uncovered for this article in the late 1990s bothered me because under the guise of the free enterprise system the Republican-controlled Congress, beginning with the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City on April; 19, 1995, worked in tandem with the Clinton Administration and later the Bush-43 Administration to sidestep the Constitution of the United States and enact first the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1995. The Senate version of bill passed 91 to 8. The House version, HR 666 was stalled in the House Judiciary Committee when conservatives leaked information that HR 666 would abrogate free speech, loss of religious liberty, the right to petition the government, freedom of the press, the private ownership of guns under the 2nd Amendment` by making it a federal crime to own a gun of any type, under the 4th Amendment what little right to privacy we possess, under the 5th Amendment, the loss of due process. Under the 6th Amendment the loss of the right to face one's accuser. And, what constituted "terrorism" would be defined by the White House—after the fact. And, finally, the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1995 would have legislatively abolished the 10th Amendment. A watered down version of the bill was enacted, but the globalists who need America disarmed before national sovereignty can be surrendered to the New World Order tried again with the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (commonly referred to as the Patriot Act of 2001). Once again, the abrogation of liberty which failed to pass in the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1995 were inserted in the Patriot Act as essential to protecting the American people from terrorists. In point of fact, terrorists don't check US law and say, "Oops...we can't do this because it's against the law." Laws impact only lawful people. So, every restriction of liberty found in any piece of legislation enacted by Congress are not designed to impact the "bad guys." They are designed to restrict the good guys.

Once again, the Bill of Rights eraser that Congress tried to apply to the Patriot Act was rejected. In less than two years, Congress took another swing at abrogating the Bill of Rights with Patriot Act II, the Domestic Security Enhancement Act, that would allow the White House to detain people (including US citizens) suspected of terrorism until federal charges were filed. Any American suspected of terrorism would be "Gitmo-ized". (They would simply just disappear.) They would have no 4th, 5th or 6th Amendment rights. Under that legislation, the government would have been allowed to wiretap anyone for any reason without a court order for up to 15 days. The second Patriot Act would lift all restraints on local police by allowing them to spy on religious and political activists, again, without the need of court orders.

The United States of America is in far more jeopardy than any American citizen realizes. When you lay all of the pieces of the puzzle out on the proverbial card table and start arranging them in their logical order, beginning with the use of purveyors of the free enterprise system to capture every private data systems in the United States for the purveyors of the New World Order. Information is power.

Total information about every man, woman and child in this nation provides government with total power and absolute control over all of the people within that data base. Add those puzzle pieces to the puzzle pieces that abrogate the Bill of Rights, and the voters of the United States who have taken the time to assemble the panoramic view of American in distress should quickly grasp the simple reality that they must be prepared to take back their nation in November, 2010 or risk losing what's left of their liberty by the end of 2012.


Just Say No
Copyright © 2009 Jon Christian Ryter.
All rights reserved