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he media's off-the-cuff reference to the upset primary bid of the heir to the Lamont family billions to unseat 3-term US Senator Joe Lieberman [D-CT] in the Connecticut Democratic primary on Tuesday, August 8 by calling it a "...grassroots campaign by a virtually unknown businessman" is the season's best political joke in what promises to be the most interesting and probably full-of-surprises midterm election season in at least a decade. USA Today called 52-year old cable TV executive Edward "Ned" Lamont, the grandson of billionaire former JP Morgan chairman Thomas W. Lamont, a "...[c]hallenger...who was unknown to 9 of 10 Democrats in the State just three months ago."

That's because, quite frankly, Lamont—a scion of one of America's most powerful banking families—is accustomed to being invisible. Newspapers ignored him because he wanted to be ignored. Media personalities didn't talk about him because he didn't want them to talk about him. And, finally, when he decided to unseat Joe Lieberman and wanted media attention, he simply snapped his fingers and—lo—a bevy of print and electronic reporters were waiting breathlessly to record his words for posterity. And, when Lamont finally chose to be "seen" by the media, he chose to be seen as a hardworking middle class cable television executive—not as a member of one of the Money Mafia families whose ancestors were the invisible money barons who wrote what became the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 at the Jekyll Island retreat of J. Pierpont Morgan on November 22, 1910.

At Jekyll Island, five bankers, assistant Treasury Secretary Abraham Piatt Andrew, and John D. Rockefeller, Jr.'s father-in-law, Sen. Nelson Aldrich [R-RI] , hammered out the strategy to pressure the State legislatures to ratify the 16th and 17th Amendments. Thirty-six states caved in to the muscle-flexing by JP Morgan Company; JP Morgan's First National Bank of New York; Bankers Trust Company; Rockefeller's National City Bank of New York (which eventually became Citibank); and the Rothschild's New York bank, Kuhn, Loeb & Co.

By the turn of the 20th century, almost 70% of the banks in the United States were State-chartered. They held almost 60% of the total funds on deposit in the country. Each year bought several hundred new State banks. And, each year, the market shares of the Rockefeller, Morgan, Rothschild, Kuhn-Loeb and Warburg banks shrank. To make matters worse for the New York bankers, Congress—under control of the Democrats—enacted several very restrictive pieces of anti-big business legislation, starting with the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 that specifically targeted John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil. The Sherman Act was followed by the Mann-Elkins Act that strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission and placed both AT&T and Western Union under the yoke of federal regulators—something that did not set well at JP Morgan & Company since J. Pierpont Morgan was the largest AT&T shareholder and was recognized—at least by Congress—as the "unofficial" head of the phone company. The number two man in the world of JP Morgan & Co. was Tom Lamont, Ned Lamont's granddaddy. The New York banking cartel collectively represented over a quarter of the world's wealth. And, for the first time in history, they represented the merging of the world's five major banking cartels: the Rockefellers, the Morgans, the Rothschilds, the Kuhn-Loebs and the Warburgs to achieve a common goal—conquering the government of the United States.

In 1910 the invisible power behind the throne of government embarked on a very visible public relations campaign to convince the American people that they had a constitutional right to directly elect the Senators who theoretically represented them in the Congress of the United States. If the Senate represented the people, the proposed 17th Amendment would have presented a valid argument since US Senators were elected by the States. However, the Senators were elected to represent the sovereign States, not the people. That's how a Republic works. The people were represented by the House of Representative, the States by the Senate. In 1910, the States, through the US Senate, not only opposed creating a new central bank, they were adamantly opposed to expanding the power of the national banks. By removing the States from the equation of federal power, the cartel bankers were convinced they could enact legislation to create a new central bank—providing they had a president on board who would sign it.

Only, the current president, William Howard Taft was a shoo-in for reelection in 1912. Taft, a Teddy Roosevelt protégé, was popular with the people. Taft opposed reestablishing a central bank in the United States and favored regulating the corporations of the world's wealthiest entrepreneurs, so even if the bankers could get the legislation through Congress, they knew Taft would veto it. The Money Mafia picked New Jersey governor Thomas Woodrow Wilson to unseat Taft. They picked Wilson because, in the opening days of the 20th century when Wilson served as president of Princeton University, he granted an interview in 1907 to talk about the Bank Panic of 1906. During the interview, he argued for strong financial and economic reforms, suggesting that "...[a]ll this trouble could be averted if we appointed a committee of six or seven public-spirited men like J.P. Morgan to handle the affairs of our country." When the Money Mafia was looking for Taft's replacement in 1912, Col. Edward Mandell House, a Morgan hireling, brought the 1907 press clipping to Morgan's attention. Wilson became Morgan's pick for 1912—and House became Wilson's closest confidant. The Election of 1912 became the first completely machine-controlled national election in the nation's history—the prototype for all elections to come. The Morgan machine quietly backed Wilson's campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1912 as it openly backed House Speaker Champ Clark. Clark came to the convention with over 400 votes—and the support of Tammany Hall in his pocket. On the 9th ballot, New York threw its support to Clark. That should have started a Clark landslide, but the Morgan forces held Clark at bay. It took 467 ballots before Wilson received the nomination. More Morgan largess was doled out at the Democratic Convention in Baltimore, Maryland 1912 than all previous political conventions combined. But, in 1912, much more was at stake.

On the other side of the aisle, all of Taft's important money came from Morgan and the cartel bankers. Throughout the campaign, Morgan insiders leaked information to the press that Taft was squarely in Morgan's hip pocket. Morgan lieutenants convinced Teddy Roosevelt that the American people would reelect him for a third term if he entered the race. Millions of dollars of JP Morgan money financed the Bull Moose Party (The Progressive Party) candidacy of Teddy Roosevelt. For Wilson to win, Roosevelt needed to pull at least 20% of the vote from Taft. He pulled 27.5%. Wilson won the election with 41.9% of the popular vote to Taft's 23.2%. Wilson took 435 electoral votes. Taft—who won the election of 1908 with 326 electoral votes—won 8 votes in 1912. The spoiler, Roosevelt, took 88 electoral votes and walked away realizing he had been duped by Morgan. The only winner in the Election of 1912 was the Money Mafia The people lost their Republic a year later with the illegal ratification of the 17th Amendment that took the power away from the States—and the people—and placed it in the hands of the Money Mafia. The United States became a republican democracy in 1913. It became a socialist democracy in 1933 when the Money Mafia empowered-Franklin D. Roosevelt hamstrung the free enterprise system to protect the Money Mafia by stealing the wealth—and growing political power—of the middle class.

When antiwar activist and atheist Ned Lamont, the heir of the Lamont family fortune and its vast political clout announced he would seek to unseat an incumbent Democratic Senator, all of Lieberman's Democratic colleagues in the US Senate quickly distanced themselves from Joe, stating that it would not be right for them to side with either candidate during the August primary race, adding that—whichever one won—they would solidly support the winner of the August 9 primary. There was no doubt in the minds of any of them that the winner would be Ned Lamont. However, as election eve approached, Lieberman cut Lamont's double-digit lead of 13 points down to 6—51 to 46 and then, 4 points.

On the eve of the election, it was anyone's ball game. So, late in the 9th inning, Connecticut's senior Senator Christopher Dodd [D] showed up for a pre-balloting photo op with Lieberman. So did New York's Chuck Schumer [D]. So did Massachusetts' Edward Kennedy and so did Delaware's Joe Biden. None were 100% sure that Lamont would win. If Lieberman won the nomination, he would be reelected. If he was reelected, his collegues within the Democratic Party needed to make sure Joe was not mad at the party—or those collegues who would have to count on his vote. The night before the balloting it was clear that the election would be decided by voter turnout. But, the moment the count was tallied, all of them ran to embrace Lamont as the winner.

As the Lieberman Campaign worked to get voters to the polls, hackers stepped in. With the primary boiling down to how the candidates used the means at their disposal to provide transport for voters, or directions to polling places, the Lieberman camp discovered their website had been hacked and knocked out of cyberspace. Lieberman supporters who needed a ride to the polls could not access the Lieberman for US Senate website to contact the Campaign for ride share information. Lieberman told reporters that "...[s]omething outrageous happend to our website today. It's been hacked and sabotaged and knocked down. We don't know that it's my opponent's campaign—but who else would have themotivation to hack into and knock down our website on primary day?"

Lamont forces, of course, denied they had anything to do with the sabotage—and, they probably didn't. There were, after all, enough anti-war, anti-American George Soros MoveOn.org people around to do the dirty work. Asked by the media if his people sabotaged Lieberman's website, Lamont called it "just another scurrilous charge" by Lieberman as he denied tampering with the website. Lamont offered to send a technician to fix it. But having Lieberman's website down during peak voting hours may have given Lamont just the edge he needed to ek out a primary victory. Shortly after Lamont's 52% to 48% win was announced, his campaign manager Tom Swan said that Waterbury, Connecticut—a Lieberman stronghold that voted overwhelmingly for the incumbent—is "...where the forces of slime meet the forces of evil." Lamont, who would like to get votes from Waterbury residents in November, apologized for Swan's bad judgment and arrogant stupidity. "Tom made some comments," he said, "that were unfortunate. We apologize for them..." noting that he planned to go to Waterbury and "...try to earn the respect and vote of everybody I can."

Even before the concessions speeches echoed in the ears of the voters, Lieberman had filed papers with the Connecticut Secretary of State to run as an Independent for the seat he now holds as a Democrat. The liberal media has been urging Lieberman to give up his independent run. (I suspect they are asking with their fingers crossed behind their backs.) Lieberman as a third party candidate assures a Lamont victory. If Lieberman wanted to hold his Senate seat, he needed to run as the Republican since only Republicans and moderate Democrats will vote for him. As the Republican candidate for the US Senate, Lieberman would probably beat Lamont. That's why Democratic Party loyalists aren't asking Lieberman to stand down from an independent run. Lieberman in the race guarantees a Lamont win. No one knows this better than the Republican Party.

Coinciding with the political assassination of Joe Lieberman by the Democratic Party, 12 far left Congressional leaders sent a letter to President George W. Bush, urging him to begin a phased pullout from Iraq, describing the retreat as a "redeployment" to other areas of the world. Clearly, such a "redeployment" would encourage al Qaeda to 'redeploy" local terrorists to other areas of the world—namely Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and Washington, DC. Sadly, the liberal wing of the Democratic Party that is financed by socialist dollars seems to have gotten a death grip on the Democratic Party again just as it did in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The visible face of power in the new Democratic Party will be faces like Ned Lamont. In the late 1970s it was Jay Rockefeller. Both are members of Money Mafia familes. Both possess the power to influence the outcome of legislation in Congress far beyond the one vote they cast.

Former Derby mayor Alan Schlesinger, the Republican candidate for the Connecticut US Senate seat will split the conservative-mdoerate vote with Lieberman. On July 21, when it looked like Joe Lieberman might become the "comeback kid, the Hartfort Courant printed a story that Schlesigner had been sued by two gambling casinos for gambling debts in 1989-90. Caesar's Palace filed a lawsuit against Schlesinger on June 12, 1989, claiming he owed $8.800.00. Trump's Castle sued him on May 21, 1990, claiming Schlesinger owed them $13,500. Schlesigner, who signed both tabs as Alan Gold, paid Caesar's $10,211.00 and Trump $18,016.00. The Courant tried to pressure Schlesigner to drop out of the Senate race, suggesting the former mayor unfit to serve. Schlesigner told the Courant he was a "recreational" blackjack player who never lost more than $10,000 a year gambling.

When Gov. Jodi Rell tried to get him to drop out of the race and let the Party find a candidate without any baggage, Schlesigner refused, telling the Courant that he had "...never done anything illegal. I did absolutely nothing wrong. I'm not getting out of this race because I had a couple of lawsuits filed against me 15 years ago. Those losses could have occurred over a long period of time. You have to remember, at the same time I was losing at those casinos, I could have been winning at a different one. I may have been having cash flow problems at that time, and it took a while to pay back the markers."

Schlesigner could be called Lieberman Light. Schlesinger, like Lieberman, is a supporter of the Iraq War. Both men are pro-choice except when it comes to partial birth abortion (even though Lieberman voted against the ban on partial birth abortion). Ken Mehlman, Republican National Committee chairman told reporters that Lamont's victory "...reflects the unfortunate embrace of isolationism, defeatism and 'blame America first' attitude by national Democratic leaders at a time when retreating from the world is particularly dangerous. Like the proud history of so many Democrats before him, Joe Lieberman believed in a strong national defense," Mehlman said. "For that he was purged from his party. It's a sobering moment."

In reality, the sobering moment is the sudden appearance on center stage of another Money Mafia member wanting hands-on influence over the politics of this country through Congress. The last Money Mafia member to find a berth in the US Senate was John D. Rockefeller IV—who, in his earlier days, very much wanted to be the President of the United States. Today he knows its far better to control them than be one of them. The Money Mafia, which is adamantly opposed to full-blown war—since war fosters isolationism and isolationism reinforces borders—still hasn't learned that you can't negotiate with terrorists. Money doesn't solve every ill of mankind. Nor do political concessions. What the Islamic terrorists who are fighting all of the conjoined wars in the world today want is the destruction of Israel. If the nations of the world joined forces and legislatively dissolved the State of Israel—and joined forces with the Arab world to forcibly subdue Israel and disperse the Jews once more, the Islamists would not be satisfied. History assures us that victory would simply embolden them to demand more.

On March 7, 1936, Hitler sent German troops into the Rhineland and reoccupied it, arguing that Germany was threatened by the French and the Russians and needed a buffer zone in order to feel "at peace" with its neighbors. (Germany lost the Rhineland to France at the end of World War I.) British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain met with Hitler at Berchtesgaden on Sept. 15, 1936 and let Hitler make his case for annexing the Rhineland. Hitler baldly demanded not only the Rhineland, but every Germanic province that was taken from Germany at the end of WWI. England forced the concession on its continental allies by offering Hitler a concilitory "bone." Chamerlain returned to London and proclaimed "peace in our time." A year later, Germany annexed Austria. Europe barely noticed since Austria was, after all, German. Within a year 1938, Hitler was again making demands. He demanded the immediate evaucation of all non-Germans from every Germanic province taken by the Allies in WWI, threatening to flood the continenent with blood if his demands were not met. Chamberlain and French Prime Minister Edourd Daladier returned to Germany, meeting with Hitler first at Godsberg on Sept. 22, and then Munich on Sept. 29, 1938. England and French capitulated to Hitler at Munich. At that point, Hitler knew the world was his was for the taking. The two strongest armies in Europe were afraid of him. Hitler knew he no longer had to ask permission. He could simply take what he wanted.

On March 10, 1939 German panzer divisions invaded the rump Czech state. Six days later, the Czech government capitulated and Czechoslovakia became the first non-German nation to fall to the Nazis in WWII. This alarmed the west because the Czech Republic was not a Germanic state—it was Slavic. England and France declared war on Germany.

This is the reality of human conquest. Nations remain free only as long as they remain strongand their spine remains rigid with resolve. When nations show a willingness to concede or retreat, their enemies always view their willingness to compromise as weakness and, instead of "peace in our time," that nation will face devastation in their homeland because their adversaries will simply follow them home. Worse than the dictator, however, is the zealot. For the past 100 years the worst threat to the world has not come from fascism or communism, but Islam. For the past thirty years, every war fought in the world has been tied to Islam. In every one of those wars, Islamists initiated the conflicts using terrorism as a catalyst for change. In most instances, the Islamic terrorists—as in Bosnia and Kosovo in the 1990s—claimed they were being persecuted in their homelands, and their fights for independence were justified. Only, the Islamics were migrants in both countries. Muslim zealots were determined to convert the populations. And, as in the Mideast, they used terrorism to win converts.

The utopian one-worlders—controlled by the international Money Mafia (that is close to its objective of creating a world without borders)—are rewriting international law into what can best be described as a bizarre Mr. Roberts Neighborhood-concept that allows the utopian world community to decide what a nation can do, internally—and respond militarily if it bucks the edicts of the "community of nations." This is what led to the Balkan War in the 1990s. Albanian Muslims infiltrated the Kosovo Province of Serbia—just like Mexican illegals are infiltrating the United States—seeking work in the mineral rich minefields of Kosovo. The Albanian Muslims who encouraged the migration wanted to annex Kosovo. Yugoslav strongman Slobodan Milosevic was determined not to let that happen. Since Yugoslavia was a powerful totalitarian regime that was a thorn in the side of the European Union, the utopian leaders who were constructing the "new" Europe into a borderless community, needed Milosevic's empire broken apart. NATO—under the control of the European Union—with the help of the United States, delivered the coup d'etat. Now the precedent is established. Somewhere down the road to Utopia the globalists will likely use that precedent to breakup the United States, creating an independent Hispanic Southwest.

It is important to keep in mind that the Money Mafia has been working towards its goal since 1906—breaking the world's most powerful nations into manageable States. But, before the globalists can succeed with the remaining steps that must be accomplished before the United States can be welded into the New World Order, it must disarm America. Not just its military—its citizens as well. At the end of the Gulf War in 1991 America stood alone and unrivaled not only as the most powerful military force in the world, but the most powerful economy as well. Today, as the industrial strength of America is being exported to those nations that would love to see the United States reduced to a minor power, the third world nations are getting stronger and America is getting weaker because the United States is being destroyed from the inside by the transnational industrialists—the Money Mafia families—who head the nation's largest corporations. Helping them are the bankers who put profit ahead of national patriotism. These are the men who think of the world not as separate Nation States, but as a utopian global village—a single economic community without borders and without tariffs from which they will grow even more wealthy as the human capital of the world is redefined as the primary commodity—chattel of the 21st century.

This is the Money Mafia. This is the invisible power behind government. Ned Lamont is simply the newest exposed face of that cartel. While the international cartel of industrialists and bankers that pull the strings of the G-8 holds the Lamont view that the world can no longer afford to destroy its infrastructure with war, their political philosophies are evenly divided between capitalism and communism, and between socialism and fascim. Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV represents the extremes of capitalism. Lamont, who is the poor rich compared to Rockefeller, represents the extremes of socialism. I wonder if Connecticut realized what it was doing when it voted for Ned Lamont?



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