News Articles Internet Articles (2015)
In the aftermath of the terrorist bombing of the Alfred Murrah Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, Congresswhich had been trying to legislatively abrogate not only the 2nd Amendment, but to limit free speech and religious liberty under the 1st Amendment in the United States since the mid-1960sCongress responded by trying to push the Anti-Terrorist Act of 1995 through both Houses of Congress while America was still in shock and would not resist the illegal abrogation of their rights under the guise of protecting Americans from domestic terrorists like Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. It
almost worked. The Senate version of the Comprehensive Anti-Terrorist
Act of 1995 flew through that chamber and passed on a 96 to 4 vote.
Four members, who realized that the Anti-Terrorist Act of 1995 violated
the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 10th Amendments, knew that the House
and Senate had no authority to vote on the measures they were attempting
to legislate since they were forbidden, by the Constitution of the United
States, from voting on them. Before the
House of Representatives had a chance to vote on their version of the
same bill, H.R. 666, a rare coalition of liberals and conservatives
joined forces to fight the abrogation of the Bill of Rights. Had they
not been stopped, Congress would have illegally and unconstitutionally
abridged the rights of the American people under the guise of protecting
themfrom themselves. H.R. 666
(which actually did not pass under that number) would have abrogated the
following rights under the 1st Amendment: freedom of speech, the right
to petition the government; and, under extraneous circumstances, freedom
of the press. Under the 2nd Amendment, the loss of the right of private
citizens to own firearms. Under the 3rd Amendment, the use of military
force to assist local police; under the 4th Amendment, the loss of the
right to privacy from unreasonable search and seizure, and the repeal
of habeas corpus. Under the 5th Amendment, the suspension of due process.
Under the 6th Amendment, the loss of the right to face your accuser, and
the enhanced right of authorities to hold anyone accused of a crime for
an indefinite period of time without a trial. And finally, the 10th Amendment
which forbids the government from assuming authority not specifically
granted it by the Constitution, would be legislatively abolished, giving
the federal government full and complete dictatorial power over every
aspect of life in the United States when the President of the United States
chose to declare a national emergency existed in America. Had H.R.
666 been enacted as part of the Comprehensive Anti-Terrorist Act
of 1995,
the Bill of Rights would very likely have not existed as of September
11, 2001 since it would probably have already been abrogated by Bill
Clinton when TWA Flight 800 was shot down by two guided missiles
off the coast of Long Island, New York on July 17, 1996. The
Congress of the United States attempted to do in 1995 what they managed
to pull off in 2001. They managed to give law enforcement officers authority
they did not constitutionally possess the right to delegate. The United
States Supreme Court made that very clear in 1935 when they started to
dismantle the New Deal. In 1934 Congresswhich never bothered to
read the legislation the leadership told them to vote onbegan to
enact illegal legislation, giving the Executive Branch judicial authority,
thereby breaching the separation of powers. In 1935, one-by-one, the high
court began dismantling the New Deal because Congress delegated authority
to the Executive Branch that it did not constitutionally possess. In other words, Congress cannot delegate authority it does not
possess. Congress does not possess the authority
allow the Executive Branch to abrogate the Bill of Rights since it does
not, itself, have the power to abrogate it. Only a constitutional amendment,
properly ratified by the States can weaken or abolish any of the rights
conferred on the people under the Constitution. Apparently
only jury nullification can fix this latest abrogation of citizen rights.
Its going to make some judges mad, and its going to make some prosecutors
mad, but when Congress runs amuck and those who know better allow them
to do it, the American people, who have the power of veto
in the jury box, must nullify these latest infractions of the Constitution. Tragically,
while those in Congress and the White House who argued on April 20, 1995
that the Comprehensive Anti-Terrorist
Act of 1995 would protect America from another terrorist attack like
the Murrah Building bombing, those in Congress knew full well that
it would notnor were the abrogations of liberty provided by H.R.
666 designed to stop those who act outside the law. The restrictive
measures found in the Anti-Terrorist Act of 1995, or any piece
of legislation ostensibly enacted by Congress to prevent acts of terrorism
by lawless citizens or aliens, are designed specifically to unconstitutionally
weaken the foundation of the Constitution and to fray the tethers of the
Bill of Rights that bind the hands of government from assuming a superior
position over the American people who, Constitutionally, Congress must
answer to. Joining together
to fight H.R. 666 was an unlikely coalition that included the American
Civil Liberties Union, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Gun Owners
of America, the National Black Police Association, the Free Congress Foundation,
the American Policy Center, and the National Rifle Association. The Washington
Post, the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor and the Los Angeles
Times attacked the coalition and argued that the Comprehensive Anti-Terrorist
Act of 1995 would provide an added measure of security to the United
States and that Congress was not over-reaching its authority. (Of course,
we know the only part of the Constitution these liberal rags have read
is that portion of the 1st Amendment that allows them to slander conservatives
with impunity.) Whenever Congress
attempts to rewrite our Constitutional insurance policy, or alter the
fringe benefits we are guaranteed under the Bill of Rights,
they illegally exceed their constitutional authority because Congress
has no authority on their own to amend the Constitution legislatively.
And every Congressman and Senator on Capitol Hill knows it. For that reason,
the minute they do, as they just did on October
24, 2001 when the Senate confirmed the Houses voice on the matter
and unconstitutionally enacted the Anti-Terrorist Act of 2001 (known as
the USA Act) We the People, through jury nullification, need
to step on their tonguesand
then we need to impeach those Congressmen and Senators who used a crisis
like the World Trade Center tragedy to deceive the voters. Congress
exceeded its authority. Whenever Congressmen and/or Senators exceed their
authority, they need to be impeachedand they need to be held liable
for the damage they have done to the electorate who placed their trust
in them. When Congress steals authority that constitutionally belongs
to the people at State level, that transfer of power constitutes genuine
theft. The Constitution mandates that the Bill of Rights can be weakened
or abolished outright only if an amendment to accomplish that end is duly
proposed and passed by a 2/3 majority in the House and Senate and then
ratified by 3/4 of the States. Had the Comprehensive
Anti-Terrorist Act of 1995 been passed, unaltered by Congress that
year, it would not, nor could not, have stopped the 19 Shiite Islamic
terrorists who hijacked four 757s and flew two of them into the twin towers
of the World Trade Center and one into the Pentagon. The
terrorists accomplished the takeover
of those planes because of the passive policies of the airline companies
whose rules mandated that if a terrorist attempted to hijack their plane,
the pilot was obligated to allow him to do it. A decade ago when hijacking
American planes was a common terrorist pasttime, and the FAA was
authorized to put sky marshals on a majority of the flights, the airlines
managed to wrest control of the sky marshall program from the FAA
and demand that the sky marshalls be as passive as their pilots. Flying became
safe again not because of the security precautions being taken by the
airlines, or from laws enacted by Congress, but because the terrorists
simply found more effective ways with less risk to take hostages and terrorize
people. It was Saddam
Hussein, at the end of the Gulf War, who began to devise the
scheme that would eventually evolve into the September 11 tragedy in the
United States. Saddam, like every terrorist in the world, knew
that airline pilots for U.S. carriers were required to surrender their
planes to terrorists. The problem the terrorists had in the past was that
even though they were in control of the airliners, they were
only in tactical control. They still needed the pilot to fly them wherever
it was they wanted to go. And, it was clear that American pilots, even
with a gun to their head, would not crash their planes into skyscrapers,
government buildings, or into heavily populated areas. Their instinct
has always been to save lives or minimize losseven at the risk of
their own. Most commercial pilots in the United States are former Navy,
Marine or U.S. Air Force pilots. Saddam
originated the plan to train Islamic terrorists to fly jetliners the size
of a 747, 757 or 767. Saddam wanted these terrorists go to jet
school in the United States.Saddam,
like most terrorist national leaders knew that the American bureaucrats
that controlled temporary educational access into the United States, believed
if they exposed militants from terrorist nations to the liberty
that was available in the United States, that the fundamentalists would
see how much better life was in America, and it would influence their
thinking so much that they would give up their terrorist thinking and
help convert their nations into democracies just like the United States.
(That thinking permeated throughout the Immigration and Naturalization
Service during the Clinton-Gore years when the INS allowed
an extreme increase in the number of student visas. Today,
there are over 300,000 missing students from terrorist Mideast
nations, Islamic Pakistan, Afghanistan, and China who have burrowed deep
into the American landscape. While the INS didnt
seem too concerned about finding these missing students, there
are no screaming, frantic parents from those nations trying to find their
children.) What does that tell us? Many of these 300 thousand missing
students were sleeper agents for either communist
China or one of a dozen or so Islamic countries. The Clinton-Gore INS
did not notify either the FBI or the CIA that they had created
a potential national security problem, or the extent of the problem they
created. Creating new laws that restrict the liberties of law-abiding
American citizens will not reveal the identities of these illegal aliens
since they have grown accustomed to surviving in the shadow society of
the lawless. According to
John Ashcroft, that has now changed. The attorney general pledged
that students who overstay their visas by as little as one day will be
arrested and jailed. Time will testify as a mute witness the error of
Ashcrofts boast for two reasons. First, the INS, which
has been charged with the responsibility of keeping track of the aliens
within our shores, has not been diligent in their task. Second, the liberals
among usparticularly those on the judicial benchhave not allowed
Americans, regardless of the degree of our anger, to mistreat criminal
aliens on our soil. If anything, because the liberal thinks the terrorist
is simply underprivileged or misunderstood, social
justice is liberally applied when the rule of law should be the yardstick
used to measure justice. There is no reason to believe that a new law
specifically designed to abolish our rights will abrogate, in any way,
the rights of aliens accused of crimes simply because they never have
in the past. There are too many social justice liberals on the benches
in our federal courts. Bill Clinton made sure of that. And, if they are
anything else, Americans remain creatures of habit. Saddam counted
on that when he devised his scheme to train pilots. We are so set in our
habits that it was easy for Islamic terrorists to predict the success
of their mission in America. Saddam also knew that once he got his terrorist students into the
United States they would be allowed to stay until they had completed their
mission. The toughest part of his mission was getting his students cleaned
up enough to get them into the country. And since terrorists seem
to clean up better in Saudi Arabia than anywhere else in the
Middle East, most of themeven the Egyptians within their groupwere
provided Saudi passports. If we, as a
nation, continue to allow terrorists (or those we should naturally suspect
as potential terrorists) into the United States on unsupervised temporary
visas on the mistaken belief that once they experience democracy they
will become converts and go back to their homeland and overthrow
the despots who lead their nations, we are fooling ourselves. This kind
of thinking comes from the intelligentsia of the liberal think tanks like
the Council on Foreign Relations who really doesnt care what
type of government leads the world as long as only one government does,
since the CFR knows that, in the final
analysis, it is a small core of rich elites behind government and not
the government that controls the decisions government makes. Saddam also counted on the greediness of the capitalistic entrepreneurs who operated
the myriad of airline pilot training schools (which use computer simulators
to train students). The flight school from which Muhammed
Atta (who is believed to be the cell leader of the September 11 attack)
graduated from was located in Florida. Atta, like the other wannabee
pilots, paid $2,000.00 per month to attend flight school. Since the World
Trade Center attack, federal agents have learned that this schooland
others like it in Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas and one or two other western
Statescharged similar amounts to students who were almost exclusively
from Islamic terrorist nations. And, waving a big red flag, those studentsincluding
Atta (who claimed to be a member of the Saudi royal family)were
only interested in learning how to pilot jetliners already in flight. None of them were interested in learning how
to take off or land a 747 or 757. Tragically, the owner of only one flight
training school found that unusual enough to report it to the FBI. The FBI investigated that one student and arrested him in Augustalmost a
month before the September 11 attack. Nobody in the FBI, the FAA or any other agency of the federal government with the responsibility
to do so, investigated the other flight training schools in the United
States, or even inquired if they had any Islamic students who were interested
only in piloting planes in flight rather than taking off and landing them
as well. This is sheer stupidityand it was the type of stupidity
that Saddam Hussein anticipated. America is too secure on its moated
island. If the FBI had done its job, the Bureau
would have discovered those schools were graduating ten to twenty times
more students than the potential for jobs within their nations existed
or would ever existand those students were paying $2,000 per month
to attend classes with no possibility of a job in that industry
when they completed their training. Because it didnt add up, at
least one reasonably intelligent FBI agent should have been asking
why Islamic fundamentalists were paying $2,000 per month to learn how
to maneuver a jumbo jet in air...but not land it. Then, when
the Mossad warned the CIA on September 9 that Islamic terrorists were
going to hijack 20 airliners and crash them into skyscrapers like the
World Trade Center in New York and quite likely, targets like the
Sears Tower in Chicago, the White House, Congress, the Pentagon, Camp
David, Fort Detrick, Maryland (which contains one of two key biological
weapons storage facilities), John Hopkins University Military Research
facility, Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore, Hoover Dam, and the LA Freeway
during morning rush hour. Rumors surfaced in Washington over the past
couple of weeks that they also believed that an aircraft carrier off Newport
News was also targeted, that warning would not have gone ignored as too
vague to act upon. It was revealed on Fox News on October 27 that
several Islamic children in several schools in or around New York and
New Jersey had chided their Christian classmates several days before the World Trade Center tragedy that planes would crash into the Twin
Towers, testifying to the power of Allah. The planned attack on the
World Trade Center was not a well-kept secret. Granted, they were
rumors. But, they were rumors coming from such varied sources at precisely
the same time that someone should have been paying attention. That someone
was the FBI. They ignored the rumors. Saddam,
whose intelligence told him that American law enforcement and bureaucratic
agencies typically never share information, counted on that traditional
lack of cooperation between the FAA, the INS, the FBI
and the CIA. If they failed to share information, the pieces of
the puzzle that each agency had would never be assembled, and the frightening
picture of what Saddam, Bashar Assad and Osama bin Laden
had prepared for America would remain concealed until it was too late.
There are no anti-terrorist laws that can be passed by the United States Congress that will protect us from terrorist acts since those charged with the responsibility of law enforcement in the United States are reactive only. Something has to happen before they react. Nineteen terrorists were allowed into our country not because we didnt have laws in force to keep them out, but because the bureaucrats within the Clinton Administration believed they could passively convert our enemies into friends by showing them how nice democracy was. Abrogating
the Bill of the Rights