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On Oct. 13, 2010, less than 3 weeks from the Midterm Election,
Ann Arbor, Michigan orthopedic surgeon Dr. David Janda criti-
cizes Obamacare, telling an audience at a campaign rally for Dr.
Rob Steele (trying unsuccessfully to unseat John Dingell), the
facts about Obama's Death Board.

Previous to this video, Dr. Janda was the keynote speaker at a congressional dinner at the Capitol Building in Washington on Friday, July 17, 2010. As he began his prepared speech, he said, "It should be clear that the same warning notice must be placed on the Obamacare Plan as on a pack of cigarettes: Consuming this product will be hazardous to your health."

"The underlying method of cutting costs throughout the plan is based on rationing and denying care. There is no focus on preventative health care needs whatever. The plan's method is the most inhumane and unethical approach to cutting costs I can imagine as a physician."

The rationing of care is implemented through the National Health Care Board according to this plan. This illustrious board 'will approve or reject treatment based on the cost per treatment divided by the number of years the patient will benefit from the treatment.' Translation—if you are over 65 or have been recently diagnosed as having an advanced for of cardiac disease or aggressive cancer, dream on if you think you will get treated. Pick out your coffin. Dr. Janda's words, not mine.

Oh—you think this could never happen? Sorry...this is the same model they use in Britain.

[Obamacare] mandates that there will be little or no advanced treatments to be available in the future. [The plan] creates the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effective Research, the purpose of which is to "slow the development of new medications and technologies in order to reduce costs." The plan also that doctors will be forced to tolerate "oversight" from the federal medical bureaucracy. Their work ethics (both doctors and hospitals) will be reviewed by the National Coordinator for Health Information and Technology.

The "Coordinator" will "...monitor treatments being delivered to make sure doctors and hospitals are strictly following government guidelines that are deemed appropriate." The guidelines continue, "...Doctors and hospitals not adhering to guidelines will face penalties." According to those he has spoken to in Congress, Dr. Janda noted, the penalties could include large, six figure fines and possible imprisonment."

According to the Obamacare Plan, Dr. Janda noted, "...if your doctor saves your life, you might have to go to prison to see your doctor for follow-up appointments."

Oh...remember the Obama rhetoric about keeping your current coverage and opting out of Obamacare? Wrong. Section 102 of Obamacare: "Protecting the Choice to Keep Current Coverage" mandates that it will be illegal to keep your private coverage if your work status changes—if you lose or change your job; retire from your job and become a senior...or, graduate from college and get your first job. Because the moment you come off mom and dad's private insurance, you go on Obamacare.

But don't worry...as long as you are not a "double dipper," you're okay. So, even though your healthcare will have deteriorated into something worse than third world healthcare, at least Big Brother won't be trying to euthanize you. Euthanasia will be reserved for the elderly—those taking advantage of Big Brother's largess by enjoying the "world's best healthcare" and living on the taxpayer dole (i.e., Social Security—which the recipient paid into from 35 to 50 years). The elderly are being singled out for extermination because the Social Security system is bankrupt. While the bureaucrats blame the bankruptcy of Social Security on the fact that people now live too long, the reality is that Social Security is bankrupt specifically because, for the last 77 years, elected politicians stole the Social Security Trust Fund (which was supposed to have been invested, by law, in high yield government bonds) and used your money to create the welfare society. That money is now long gone. In its place are IOUs the government cannot redeem. Today's elderly are now expected to pay for that theft with their lives because there are too many people seeking repayment of the funds they deposited, in good faith, with the federal government.

By the way...Barack Hussein Obama was elected by millions of elderly voters who will be delivered to the euthanasia centers of America beginning in January, 2013 as the Federal Coordinating Council reports that, for the first time,health costs under Obamacare are actually projected to decline. Why 2013 instead of this year or next year? Obama needed to make sure that the first euthanasia victims to face death by morphine injection in America's hospitals and hospices don't happen until after the Election of 2012. And, as grandma is being trucked off to the hospice, Obama expects to be making his second inaugural address.


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