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Articles (2012)
On Jan. 19, 2010 Avi Lipkin's wife Rachel picked up a broadcast on Nile TV from Egypt. It was a round table discussion in which the Foreign Minister of Egypt, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, was quoted saying that in a one-on-one meeting with Barack Obama, the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue swore to him that he was a Muslim. Gheit continued by saying Obama told him, "I have a problem with some domestic issues. And as soon as I finish with the healthcare question you Muslims will see what I will do for Islam regarding Israel." Lipkin points out that, in the Qu'ram, it is a commandment to deceive the infidel. A commandment to lie. To say he is a Christian when he is not. This explains why, whenever Obama's handlers pick Christian churches or chapels as "backdrops" for Obama speeches, Obama's handlers make those churches or chapels cover up all Christian symbols which are an affront to the Muslim. On Aug. 2, 2009, on my website,, I wrote an article entitled The Manchurian Candidate in which I argued that Obama holds dual citizenship in Kenya and Indonesia, and that both his father and his stepfather were radical Muslims. And, in the same article, I ague that Obama is not and never has been a legal citizen of the United Statesof any stripe. The article argues that Obama was raised as a Manchurian Candidate specifically to destroy the United States of America. On April 2, 2009, I posted the video of Obama bowing to Saudi King Abdullah. I had the video on April 1, but did not post it that day thinking people would see it and think it was an April Fool's Day spoof. The April Fools, however, were the American people who voted for Obama, and the people who did not protest when 35,626,580 too many votes ended up in the ballot boxes. Only 96,992,000 voters actually voted in 2008. Yet there were 132,618,580 ballots in the nation's ballot boxes. Throughout the world, bowing to a king or other monarch signifies subservience to that monarch. Within a week of posting this video, YouTube pulled the video "due to a terms of use violation." Fortunately I had a photo of the bowing, and posted it on the page the day the video was pulled.