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Articles (2012) |
Ann Coulter, whose habit of speaking before she thinks is adored by her fans for saying what she thinks all of the time, made a remark on the O'Reilly Factor that had to make host Bill O'Reilly wish he had a different guest on the program that evening. Coulter said she didn't view abortionist Dr. George Tiller's death as murder. It was, in her view, a "termination in the 203rd trimester." Pressed by O'Reilly, who was looking for a mea culpa from the fiery Human Events columnist, Coulter said: "I am personally opposed to shooting abortionists, but I don't want to impose my moral values on others." Coulter enjoyed the metaphor about "aborting" Tiller in the 203rd trimester of his life since he had aborted some 60 thousand babies in the third trimester of their lives. You can't claim the moral high ground on the sanctity of human life and the killing of unborn babies if you can revel in the murder of anyoneeven an abortionist.