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Within hours of the terrorist attack on the twin towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Congressman Dick Gephart [D-MO], the House Minority Leader, was questioned by the media several times on September 11 and 12 about the steps that would likely be taken by Congress to protect the American people from terrorist attacks now and in the future. Three times within those two days, Gephart assured the media that the people of the United States would be amply protected when Congress activated the National Identity Card. Gephart suggested that the National ID Card would make it difficult for terrorists to move freely around the United States. In all honesty, there was a grain of truth in the words the Congressman spoke. If anyone took the time to check, not possessing an American National ID Card could make it difficult for an illegal alien to move freely throughout the United States. Perhaps that’s why 56% of those polled by AOL on September 19, 2001 believed that the United States government should utilize a national identity card. Still in a state of shock over the World Trade Center collapse, 72% of those polled by AOL went so far to say that they approved of Congress enacting what would very likely constitute unconstitutional legislation that would greatly restrict their liberty in order to “protect” them from “terrorists.” What we, as law-abiding citizens don’t understand is that it is impossible to pass any laws that will prevent a criminal, whether a drug dealer or a terrorist, from breaking the law or taking the lives of American citizens.

What Gephart failed to tell the American people is that in the event the National ID Card [i.e., an internal passport designed to control or curtail movement] is implemented, it will make it increasingly difficult for the average American citizen to move freely around the United States but it will not affect the movement of the terrorist who moves through the shadows of night with total disregard for the laws of the nation they intend to sabotage. The contemporary Islamic terrorist is traditionally well-financed. As such, if he needs to secure counterfeit ID, he will have the financial wherewithal to pay for the best counterfeit money can buy. However, a good many terrorists are now proving to be “sleepers” (those who have resided within the United States for a long.period as resident-aliens, as students, or even as citizens), will have a government-issued ID card that will clearly and accurately identify him. Since the new breed of terrorist is a suicide terrorist, it matters little who knows who he is after he died. As a martyr, he actually wants everyone to know that he now sits at the right hand of Allah.

The only person who will be affected, or rather—restricted—by the National ID Card is the law abiding citizen. It will have no affect on the criminal element. It goes without saying that the leaders in both houses of Congress are aware of that fact and have always been aware of it. But, like the myriad of laws passed to restrict or abrogate the private ownership of guns by American citizens in violation of their constitutional right to do so, Congress and the Executive Branch knows the laws they enact—which violate our constitutional liberties—were not legislated to protect us from the criminal element within our society, they are being enacted to protect the American government from the American people.

Those of you who have read my book, Whatever Happened To America? are aware of the congressional skullduggery that involved the leadership on both sides of the aisles in both the House and the Senate, who promised to deliver a United Nations-mandated internal passport to then-President Bill Clinton. The National ID Card was demanded by the transnational industrialists behind the New World Order. It was to be implemented with a universal, global 28-digit personal identifier. The database was to be “managed” by the United Nations after its implementation somewhere between 1993 and 1996. The National ID Card was a major undertaking because it would be the New World Order’s attempt to “inventory,” catalog, and monitor the location of all of the human capital of the world.

The Creation of the American ID Card

The first inklings that the Clintons were trying to create an Nazi-style internal passport in the United States was discovered by this writer in the White House protocol of a strategy meeting that took place on November 11, 1993. During that meeting, Hillary Clinton, now the junior Senator of New York, in her anger over the fact that her socialist program, the Health Security Act of 1993—which would have nationalized almost 1/7th of the American economy and stole America’s freedom as the price for “free medicine”—was going down in flaming defeat, argued that the Health Security Card which American citizens (even those who had no intention of claiming benefits under the Health Security Act) would be required by law to carry—or face prison sentences—had to be salvaged out of the Health Security Act and transferred to some other piece of legislation to serve some other purpose. Hillary, who couldn’t understand why the Health Security Act (which contained the most complex electronic surveillance system ever designed by the world’s intelligence community to monitor the whereabouts of the entire population of the United States—and give government the right to restrict the free movement of any citizen the government wished to harness) complained in that meeting “...If [the American people] swallow[ed] NAFTA, [Congress] can certainly pass this as it stands.”

As Hillary fumed, Thomas Mack McLarty, Clinton’s first chief-of-staff, commented that NAFTA* (which protected the very secretive transfer of jobs from the United States to Mexico by allowing those goods to be sold in the United States without tariffs) “...did not entail a huge tax increase—and Congress is very nervous about doing this on top of the budget tax increases, and the fact that they have elections in 1994.” Gene Sperling, who remains part of Bill Clinton’s “presidency-in-exile” in New York (where most of his former Executive Branch operatives now work to very openly undermine George W. Bush as they exercise the same control they had over the Democratic Congressional and Senatorial leaders they possessed during the Clinton years), told Hillary that the National ID Card would be viewed by most people as an internal passport. Knowing that it was precisely that view which would be harbored by most Americans, Hillary replied “We all know this has to be done...just like total gun control. People simply do not realize what has to be done to make their lives easier and safer.”

At that point—on November 11, 1993, McLarty suggested passing an immigration reform bill and inserting an internal passport into that bill. It would be easy to convince the American people that such a card was necessary to keep illegal aliens from stealing the jobs that rightfully belonged to American citizens. McLarty’s logic would have been funny if it had not been so tragic.

The whole purpose of NAFTA was to steal American jobs and physically move them—and the industrial plants that supplied them—from the United States into the emerging nations which have product saturation levels of 10% to 15%. Those nations had a sufficient amount of potential consumers to buy the products that will be created during the 21st century. All they need is the income. The utopian plan of the New World Order is to provide them with the incomes and buying power they need to become the primary consumers of the 21st century since the consumers in the industrialized nations—who spend 80% of all the paychecks in the world already own 99.999% of all high-end capital goods currently produced and simply cannot produce the goods they are capable of producing. The emerging nations, which have a demand for the goods, have no income to buy them. For the transnationalist industrialists to succeed in the 21st century, they have to get the buying power into the hands of the under-consumers—but, until the emerging nations can afford to buy the goods they are now producing, those goods have to come back to the consumers in the United States.

When Congress got through kowtowing to the transnational industrialists and bankers who viewed the human capital of the third world as being more important than any financial asset found in the industrialized world, the jobs which the National ID Card was purportedly supposed to “protect” from illegal aliens, would simply no longer exist. Yet, even as the United States began hemorrhaging jobs faster than a severed aortic artery loses blood, efforts to create a “meaningful” Immigration Reform Act (into which the UN’s internal passport could be concealed) (which is essential in erasing national boundaries) failed to clear Congress in 1994 and 1995 due largely to the GOP Freshman Class that arrived on Capitol Hill during the Republican Rev-olution of 1994. Suddenly, the GOP controlled all of the committee chairs—and complete control of the legisla-tive agenda in both Houses of Congress. The Clinton’s Immigration Reform Act stalled as the utopian New World Order legislative agenda of the Clinton Administration ran out of gas. Bill and Hillary Clinton—particularly Hillary—were not happy. Nor was the leadership of Congress—on both sides of the aisle since the lead-ership in Congress and the Executive Branch had their marching orders. Those marching orders were clearly detailed in the Diebold Report, which was artfully concealed by the Clinton’s in the failed Health Security Act as it was entombed in the National Archive as are all documents generated by every presidential administration and congressional record.

The Republican Revolution Against the Revolution

During the political campaign of 1994, Georgia Congressman Newt Gingrich, a former West Georgia College history intructor and an avowed globalist, originated the concept of what became known as the Contract With America. Gingrich proposed a legislative agenda that the Republicans, if they gained control of the House, would initiate during the first 100 days of the new Congress.

While the media attributed the success of the Republican Revolution to Gingrich’s Contract With America, the reality is people seldom vote FOR anything or anyone in this country. They traditionally vote AGAINST something or someone. In 1994, the voters voted against the biggest tax increase in the history of the United States (passed by Clinton who promised the middle income taxpayers a tax cut); and, more important, they voted against NAFTA which they were beginning to see as nothing more than a ruse to enhance the economies of Mexico and Canada at the expense of Americans. Most of them had no idea what the Contract With America was even about—and, most of them couldn’t have cared less. It was time to send a message to the Democrats.

Newly elected House Speaker Newt Gingrich was given an assignment by the invisible transnationalists who have secretly filled the campaign war chests of incumbent Congressmen (on both sides of the aisle) who are viewed as being worthy of being re-elected. They needed Hillary Clinton’s now defunct Health Security Card refashioned into something else—a national drivers’ license, an employment identification card that could replace the Social Security Card—or a National ID Card...and they needed it enacted before the election of 1996 unless, of course, the GOP was prepared to resume their role as the minority party in both the House and Senate. Gingrich was not ready to surrender power to the Democrats. Nor was Dick Armey; nor was Senate Leader Bob Dole, who expected to head the GOP ticket for the White House in 1996; nor was Trent Lott, who would assume the mantle of leadership when Dole stepped aside.

The problem for the bipartisan leadership was the bullheaded, constitutionally motivated GOP freshman class of 1994. To them, as Gene Sperling so succinctly said during the November 11, 1993 White House Meeting, a national identity card translated into an internal passport. And, anything that looked like an internal passport smacked of Nazism, or at least totalitarianism. And everyone, on both sides of the aisle, knew this was an albatross that would not fly. But, Newt Gingrich knew, in January 1996, that, if he was going to remain the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the National ID Card had to been enacted before November 1996. If it was not, Gingrich, Dick Armey, Robert Livingston (who would assume the Speakership for about 5 minutes after Gingrich was forced to step down until his own peccadilloes were revealed) and Lott knew that massive amounts of money would be funneled into hundreds of Congressional and Senatorial races by the Seven Sisters and their industrial allies as their own war chests dried up.

Selected to create not only the House version of the Immigration Reform Act of 1996 into which the National ID Card (camouflaged as a national drivers’ license) was a “conservative” Republican, Congressman Lamar Smith [R-TX]. Smith’s job was to quietly lobby his fellow Congressmen and get the National ID Card inserted in the legislation (in the form of a national driver’s license). But, something went wrong with Smith’s plan. The U.S. Senate had already clandestinely passed their version of the bill with the National ID Card intact. Smith, nor Gingrich, counted on the Freshman Class of ‘94 upsetting the apple cart. Both thought the Freshman Class would play follow-the-leadership on this one. Gingrich and Smith were wrong. Word leaked to several political activists that Congress was trying to legislate an internal passport. Those receiving tips were Paul Weyrich of the Free Congress Foundation, the American Civil Liberties Union, the CATO Institute, the Heritage Foundation, Christian Coalition, Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center, Reed Irvine of Accuracy In Media, Americans for America, and several other vocal political PACs.

The outcry echoed across the nation. Lamar Smith’s House version of the Immigration Reform Act of 1996 was very publicly dropped from the House version of the bill; and shortly thereafter, the final Immigration Reform Act of 1996 was passed and signed into law. In the minds of the Freshman Class of 94, and in the minds of the PACS that fought the legislation, and in the minds of congressional scholars, the National ID Card died because according to the manner described by the Constitution in which legislation becomes law, the National ID Card did not find enough support in both Houses of Congress to become part of the law.

At that time I was writing the book, Whatever Happened To America? In January, 1997 I was attempting to confirm, one-by-one, the action items described in the White House protocol since the Clinton people had denied that the protocol in my possession was a “legitimate” document. Trying to independently confirm about 30 separate action items when everyone who was involved in the meeting were members of the Clinton team was impossible since none of them were talking. What that meant was digging through approximately 25,000 pages of some 2,000 newspapers (all liberal) in addition to about 5,000 pages from over 500 liberal magazines. I couldn’t find anything about the National ID Card other than media references that an unlikely alliance of conservatives and liberal aligned to kill it in the House version of the Immigration Reform Act. I finally decided to call former California Congressman Bob Dornan who had just lost his battle to regain his congressional seat through a challenge in the House where Dornan actually proved his seat had been lost by illegal votes. Constitutionally, Loretta Sanchez (who “won” his seat), should have been constitutionally removed and Dornan, who actually legally won re-election, should have been seated. When I asked Bob if he could tell me what type of effort, if any, was made to bury a National ID Card in the Immigration Reform Act, he suggested I called Lamar Smith and ask him. “When you talk to him,” Dornan said, “tell him I asked you to call.”

On January 17 I called Smith. He declined to speak with me, pushing me off on his Press Secretary, Allen Kay. I told Kay I was referring to notes from a White House meeting and asked him to comment on efforts made by members of Congress to insert a National ID Card in the Immigration Reform Act of 1996. A very nervous Kay told me that on several occasions Democrats tried to insert a “national identity card dialogue” in what would become Public Law 104-208. Kay insisted that each time the Democrats brought it up, the Republicans fought the measure down. “Congressman Smith,” Kay said, “as well as most members of Congress saw no need for a National ID Card. And because they did not believe a National ID Card would solve the problems addressed in HR 220, they were not prepared to discuss it.” Although Kay was lying to me, I did not know it at the time. Dornan suggested that I call Smith because Smith, a Texas Republican, was picked by Newt Gingrich, Dennis Hastert and Dick Armey to work the inter-nal passport through committee, and drum up enough support from the Freshman Class of ‘94 to get it passed.

I asked Kay several times if Smith had a key role in attempting to push a National ID Card through the House version of what would become Public Law 104-208. Nervously, Kay denied that Smith had a leader-ship role in attempts to legislate an internal passport that the American people would be obligated to carry or go to prison. Kay nervously denied that Smith was anything other than a concerned conservative Congressman who was fighting liberal Democrats linked to the Clintons who were trying to add a National ID Card to HR220. Kay lied. Congressman Lamar Smith was, and always will be, one of those little political hacks who will follow the instructions of his “leaders” even if those instructions lead his constituents to Hell.

At the time, on January 17, 1997, I could not find any evidence to refute Kay’s statements. In June, 1998, as my research was about done and I was deeply into writing Whatever Happened To America? I was at a conservative function in Washington and ran into the Administration Assistant of Lisa S. Dean, who headed one of Paul Weyrich‘s PAC groups called Coalition for Constitutional Liberties. Lisa was working with Congressmen Bob Barr [R-GA] and Ron Paul [R-TX] on publicizing the constitutionally impossible enactment of a National ID Card that the NHTSA asking Congress to set the guidelines which would allow them to write the regulations which would allow the NHTSA to implement it as a National Drivers’ License by October 1, 2000.

Barr, Paul and Collins scrambled, trying to find out how the internal passport—that was very publicly thrown out of HR 220 in 1996 ended up as a gestapo-type law that government, at all levels—could, and eventually will, use this SmartCard™ devise to control every aspect of life not only in the United States but in every nation in the world. When the National ID Card was struck from HR220, it had already been passed by the Republican-controlled Senate. When the House and Senate versions of the Immigration Reform Act went into Joint Conference, those items which are not agreed upon between the two versions must be dropped; and only those things upon which both Houses agree go into the bill that is then sent to the White House for signature.

That did not happen. The senior leadership on both sides of the aisle left the internal passport in the joint bill. Since these bills are hundreds, if not thousands, of pages long, it is a safe bet that not a single Congress-man or Senator reads the completed bill before the House and Senate clerks stamped the legislation as approved and send it to the White House for Bill Clinton’s signature.

While the GOP leadership, which controlled both the House and Senate, have attempted to appear just as bewildered as Bob Barr and Ron Paul, the fact remains that without the approval of the leadership, what happened in the Immigration Reform Act could not have happened. The truth of that statement is corroborated by the fact that a month later when Congress passed the 1996 Omnibus Budget Bill, somehow the rejected House version of the National ID Card ended up in that bill. The Budget Bill, according to Bob Barr, was over 10,000 pages. Finding an item like a National ID Card—particularly when nobody had any reason to suspect that it was surreptitiously buried in that legislation—was like finding a needle in a haystack. When the Omnibus Budget Bill was signed into law, Bill Clinton had his National ID Card—although the constitutionality of how it was enacted is in question thanks to the leadership on both sides of the aisle in both the House and Senate. (And you thought there was no such thing as a real bipartisan effort in Congress.)

It was not until the NHTSA attempted to implement the identity card as a National Drivers’ License that Bob Barr and Ron Paul tried to derail the card—and the leadership. Although it was enacted illegally, and quite likely could not withstand a high court challenge, the reality was that as far as both Congress and the Executive Branch were concerned, the National ID Card was a legislated fact-of-life. It existed.

The only thing Barr and Paul could do to stop its implementation was to defund it. If they could eliminate the ability of the federal government to force the States to foot the bill to implement it, or to eliminate any funds that the federal government could use to implement it themselves, the National ID Card would remain suspended in legislative limbo forever—or until the funding was arranged by some other Congress somewhere down the road to Utopia. On September 11, 2001, Congress made the left-hand turn down the road to Utopia, and they are now ready to fund the National ID Card to protect the American people from terrorist attacks in the future—something the Democrats with the help of the leadership has been trying to do since June, 1999.

When they went to Congress for rule-making authority, NHTSA claimed the cost to fully implement the National Drivers’ License in all 50 States would be less than $72 million—which would keep it under the $100 million Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1996 ceiling, forcing the States to absorb the cost of implementation. In reality, the cost to initiate the program in California, Florida and New York alone would exceed $100 million. The “lowball” estimate was not because Congress wanted to stick the States with the bill, but because they wanted to keep Bob Barr and Ron Paul, when they found out what was going on, from being able to kill the program by killing the federal funding required to implement it—which Barr and Paul managed to do in a midnight battle in Congress in October, 1998.

Lamar Smith—whose former Press Secretary insisted he was a genuine patriotic conservative who fought hard to keep the Democrats from inserting a national identity card in HR220 two years earlier, went crying to Newt Gingrich on Tuesday, October 6, 1998. Smith begged Gingrich to stop Barr and Paul from derailing his National ID Card. Late that evening Smith wrangled an agreement from Speaker Gingrich to eliminate a Barr provision that would defund the National Drivers’ License that had been attached to a highway bill offered by Transportation Subcommittee Chairman Frank Wolf [R-VA]. Barr fought throughout the night, gaining the support of Tom DeLay and several members of the Freshman Glass of ‘94 who decided to take the fight out of Congress and into the conservative talk shows. DeLay, Helen Chenoweth Hage and a few other members of the radical right questioned Gingrich that night why it was that Lamar Smith was pushing the leadership to back something that the American people so vehemently opposed. Tom DeLay threatened to raise that very question on every radio talk show in America the next day if Gingrich killed the Barr provision.

With the midterm elections less than a month away, the last thing the Gingrich needed was a key party member raising questions about the patriotism of the leadership of the Republican Party. Gingrich was facing a tough race and he didn’t need Tom DeLay giving his opponent the ammo he would need to unseat him. Afraid of the voter backlash that would come, Gingrich caved in and Lamar Smith lost his battle to create an internal passport that the American people would be required, under penalty of law, to carry on their per-sons... and use to secure a job, an apartment, or to buy a home, a new car...or a suit of clothes.

Information Databases for the Internal Passport

When Dr. Greg Ganaske [R-IO], a member of the Freshman Class of 1994 launched his campaign against Democratic House Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Neal Smith, the Clinton Administration was secretly building what was to become the National Identification Center in the mountains of western Virginia overlooking the New River. The National Identification Center was to be a repository of data on every citizen in the United States. Smith told his supporters in a fund-raising letter in 1993 that the center would compile a database on every American that owned a gun—and how many guns they owned. In addition, the center would compile an electronic database containing every available piece of information of about citizen—their personal habits, their credit histories, their medical histories, their political leanings and whether or ot they were viewed by the government as extremists.

At about that time, in 1998, a new company incorporated in the United States. The company was called Image Data Limited. Image Data promoted themselves as a privately-owned start-up company whose mission it would be to help the retail industry minimize their loses from bad checks and credit card fraud. Image Data signed agreements with several states, and was negotiating with all remaining States in the Union to purchase electronic images of every drivers’ license photo taken by those States. And, Image Data paid a premium for each of the photos received. Because it offered the States an unbelievable revenue windfall, the States lined up to sell their drivers’ license photo databases. No one was curious how a brand new start-up company gets the billions of dollars it needed to buy between 50 and 100 million electronic photographics.

After about half of the States had signed contracts with Image Data, it was learned that the start-up company was financed by the United States government and was, in fact, a “front company” of the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA]. Among those States which tried to cancel their “contract” with Image Data at that time was the State of Florida. Image Data took them to U.S. District Court. Image Data won. The State of Florida attempted to appeal but the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals denied their appeal, ending the matter at the District Court level. Florida and the remaining States which had not delivered their electronic images delivered them.

Image Data’s photo database is stored—as you might have guessed—at the National Identification Center. But Image Data didn’t stop there. Image Data then decided they needed copies of every American citizen’s fingerprints, and when possible, samples of their DNA. Using the Departments of Transportation at the State levels, DOT employees encourage citizens to have their fingerprint scanned onto their driver’s license in order to “prevent fraud.” (No one has been able to explain how having your fingerprint on your driver’s license could prevent fraud, or what type of fraud it could prevent, but thousands of Americans, when renewing their driver’s licenses, sheepishly comply—convinced in their mind that their government would never do anything to hurt them.) At the same time, using highly classified CIA technology, Image Data began cutting deals with America’s banks to install retinal scanners at their ATM machines. The retinal scanners are promoted as the only foolproof system to prevent ATM fraud. It goes without saying that since the CIA, the FBI and the NSA have used a retinal scanner for the past three decades to prevent unauthorized people from getting into secure areas, retinal scanners will absolutely prevent an unauthorized person from using your ATM card.

The electronic images that are being collected by Image Data are being stored at the National Identification Center. Every American, from birth to death, already has a file in the National Identification Center. If you received a ticket for speeding last night, that information was stored at the NIC before you got home. When you went to the dentist last week and had a chipped tooth capped, that information will eventually make its way to the NIC since every physician and medical practitioner of any type is paid to supply that information to the government each month. Your entire medical history will eventually find its way to the NIC. So will your credit history. If you are prone to depression, this data will also find its way to the NIC. Your employment history will highlight the database. If you are generally prompt or habitually tardy for work, that information will be found there. The NIC will even know whether you complain a lot about pointless things; and whether or not you have racist tendencies or views, or are prejudiced against anything or anyone.

Implementing the National ID Card

The National Identity Center will willingly share this information with anyone they feel has the right to know—which will be just about anyone in government and, in some cases, agencies or organizations not affiliated with government. The additional recipients will be banks and loan companies, collection agencies, insurance companies—and current and potential future employers.

At this particular moment, the utopians behind the National ID Card has only problem implementing their grand “big brother” scheme in America. The data transmission vehicle they planned to use to convey this information— and the receptacle to collect new data as events worth recording occur in your life—was stopped by Bob Barr, Ron Paul and Tom DeLay. The National Drivers’ License.

To enact this internal passport—which the United States government has already invested several billion dollars—they merely need to nail down the funding to produce the cards which will be created by Drexler Corporation, another CIA front company. When the 107th Congress rubber stamps the actions of the 105th Congress every State will begin issuing new drivers’ licenses to their citizens (most likely even more your old one has expired). You will find that drivers’ license strikingly similar to the Clintonesque drivers’ license shown here, except the flags show will be in the upper right and upper left. In the upper left will be the United States flag and in the upper right will be the State flag. Very likey you will see what will appear to be a bar code across the top of the card which will, in reality be microscopic images of all of the State flags. A 28-digit bar code will appear on the bottom of the card. This number will be your personal identifier (legalized when it was included in the Healthcare Portability Act of 1997 which allows you to take your health insurance with you as you move from job to job if your new employer does not offer healthcare. (Within 30 days of the passage of the Healthcare Portability Act, the IRS adopted the personal identifier and assigned one to every living American. When you received your U.S. Census form in 2000, the government was quick to point out that the form did not contain either your name or your social security number, making you think you were filing your census report completely anonymously. Yet, in the upper left hand corner of each census form was that 28-digit personal identifier. Big Brother knew exactly who sent in each census form. That was why they knew exactly which homes to go to to visit those who refused to send their census form in.

The government is currently arguing that the National ID Card is needed to prevent terrorists from striking America again. Congressmen are telling their constituents that if America had implemented the National ID Card in 1996 the World Trade Center bombing would not have occurred; and that to protect ourselves from another catastrophe of that type, we need to implement one as quickly as possible. But, what our government has chosen to ignore is that every other government in every other industrialized nation has already implemented a National Driver’s License (or a National ID Card or an internal passport of some type). And, none of them are immune from terrorism. In fact, until September 11, 2001, they were the victims, and America watched their tragedies on television. Not once since those cards were implemented in 1993 have any of those nations been immune, or insulated from terrorist attacks because National ID Cards or Internal Passports are not created to control the activities of the criminal but the honest citizen.

Israel, more than any nation in the world, utilizes identity cards and internal passports to grant or restrict movement. And Israel, more than any nation in the world is the victim of terrorism.

Tracking a population that is too highly mobile

In the Clinton’s November 11, 1992 White House meeting, former President Bill Clinton insisted that the National ID Card was critical to the security of the United States because the government needed to be able to track a population that is too highly mobile. To Bill Clinton, the most important ingredient in the National ID Card was not the information database it contained, but the computer chip that would allow the movements of the cardholder to be monitored by global tracking satellites. By keying in the personal identifier of any citizen at any time the observers at the National Identification Center in Virginia will be able to locate or “follow” any cardholder in the nation (providing, of course, that citizen is carrying their internal pass-ports. And, since the provides a stiff penalty for anyone caught without their ID card, it is likely that only those intent on breaking the law or attempting to circumvent detection will not have their card in their possession. It is important that implementing something like a National ID Card is not done to catch criminals or terrorists—it is done exclusively to monitor and control the activities of the law-abiding citizen.

No terrorist will be carrying a “State-issued” internal passport, National ID Card or National Driver’s License since they know that those cards contain an information database, and second, that it contains a tracking chip that will allow that government—or the UN, or Interpol—to track them.

Unfortunately, before this year is over, the Congress of the United States—under the guise of protecting the American people from terrorists—will successfully pass a new National ID Card law, or will get their 1996 National Drivers’ License funded by the federal government.

And the American people, who don’t realize that a National ID Card will do nothing to stop terrorism in the United States or anyone else, will feel a sense of relief, believing that their government has done something to protect them from terrorism in the future when in fact all they will have done isto suc-cessfully initiate the first step of restricting their liberty—something they’ve been trying to do since 1996.

*The American people were sold a bill of goods that NAFTA represented more exports from the industrial states in the North. As the job drain began, the Clinton Administration insisted that what was going to Canada and Mexico were cheap minimum-wage jobs that would quickly be offset with a rush of exports from American factories to the new job holders in Mexico and Central America...and, in some instances, to Canada. It was a lie. The politicians all knew it was a lie. NAFTA never was intended to be system that would increase American exports. It was always intended to be a double-hinged door with no locks that would allow the transnationalist industrialists who need to exploit the human capital of the emerging nations in order to create the consumers of the 21st century since the industrialized nations had reached 99.999% product saturation and could no longer use the products they were capable of creating. As a result, for the past two decades, American factories have been producing goods at 35% of capacity. In other words, without further capital expense, if the manufacturers had a market for their wares (that had the money to buy), they could produce three times the goods currently being produced without increasing the labor cost required. This was what Hillary knew when she made this statement on November 11, 1993. The current junior senator of New York thought since the American people were dumb enough to believe the political rhetoric about NAFTA, they shouldn’t object to having the Clinton’s create what was purported to be a Healthcare system, but according to Diebold Report which was found in Box 1748 at the National Archive, contained in this healthcare system was a UN created and endorsed personal identification system that would label every person in the world, and an internal passport that would be passed off initially as a National Driver’s License.


Just Say No
Copyright © 2009 Jon Christian Ryter.
All rights reserved